A blog about Skin care tips, skin problems, Natural skin care, health care tips, Fitness tips and Natural Remedies.

Jan 26, 2016

About Water Retention | How to get rid of water retention?

What is Water Retention?

Water retention (Fluid Retention) or edema is a metabolic disorder involving the accumulation of water or other substances in the body .Normally these accumulations occur in the legs, abdomen or hands. Sometimes these deductions cause swelling in the ankles which should be adequately controlled because it can be a sign that we are in a case of heart failure. It is also quite common for the face or eyes presented retention in which case appear swollen.

Edema Leg
Image Source: Wikipedia

Jan 22, 2016

About Lactose Intolerance Signs, Diagnosis, Causes and Treatment

What is lactose?

The lactose is milk sugar, a disaccharide consisting of glucose and galactose. When lactose reaches the small intestine, the lactase enzyme acts on the lactose found in ingested food, dividing it into the two molecules that compose it, so they can be absorbed, digested and transported through the bloodstream.

A glass of Milk

Jan 20, 2016

Underarm Smell is affecting Your Self-Esteem ! Treatment & Prevention

The first thing to know is that the underarm smell does not come precisely because of poor hygiene, since in many cases it is taken for glandular or hormonal factors. This odor is usually uncomfortable and unpleasant for the person who possesses affecting the self-esteem of those who suffer and causing discomfort in their environment.

Man smelling his armpits

Jan 18, 2016

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Diagnosis & Treatment

What is IBS?

Irritable bowel syndrome, popularly known as IBS, is a chronic relapsing intestinal disorder, i.e. relapsing, of unknown cause and is characterized by abdominal pain accompanied by diarrhea, constipation or both alternating symptoms.
Currently the causes of this disease are not known, which are triggering changes in bowel motility and sensitivity of the intestinal mucosa. It is believed to have an important psychological factor, namely stress, anxiety and nervousness may be triggering episodes of irritable colon. Although there have also been proposed causes of hormonal type of food intolerance (different for each patient) or genetic.

Stomach diagram with labels

Jan 15, 2016

Tanning Without UV Rays - Indoor Tan Lotions

Indoor Tanning Lotions:

Indoor tanning provides a service for many people; however, it does not meet the needs of every tanning client. Some may want a good-looking tan for the big date this weekend; while others may be sun sensitive for a variety of reasons. To help salon operators meet the needs of these tanning hopefuls, the lotion industry now offers two self-tanning alternatives for salons.

First is the instant self-tanning lotion which uses DHA. Second is the instantaneous tan lotion which uses a skin dye known as Lawsone.

These two lotions work differently, color the skin differently and give different results in use. Furthermore, a salon operator's ability to match the correct product with a client's specific needs will enhance his or her image as a skincare professional.

Picture of Indoor tanning lotion

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