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Showing posts with label Natural Remedies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural Remedies. Show all posts

Apr 15, 2016

How to Cure Eczema with Natural Remedies

The eczema is a disease in which the skin becomes dry and irritated, leading to reddening and swell. Its treatment is vital to avoid future complications. A good way is to stay home and follow some natural remedies that avoid the high costs and side effects brought by the conventional medical methods.

Photo By: Carolyn

Apr 14, 2016

6 Natural Remedies for Inflamed Liver

The inflamed liver or hepatomegaly is a condition that hardly reveal any symptoms during the first stage of inflammation, making it difficult the task of identifying and initiating treatment to combat it. It occurs when the liver is inflamed, acquiring a larger than normal, due to causes that can range from an excessive alcohol consumption viral infections character as any of the types of hepatitis. If you have already identified the fault of your liver, you should visit your doctor to check the origin of it and start treatment. If the cause is not a more serious illness, you can complement medical treatment with natural remedies. Read on and discover home remedies for an inflamed liver.

Apr 6, 2016

Homemade Remedies to Whiten your Teeth

The teeth lose their white color over time by the action of snuff, for beverages such as wine, coffee or tea, or by the action of certain foods that tend to stain or yellowing teeth. Therefore, it is essential to maintain good dental health, to keep them white and shiny, like brushing teeth after meals and before going to bed. Floss every day and don't take too many drinks such as coffee, wine, tea or other foods that can stain teeth.

Mar 24, 2016

6 Natural Remedies for Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin disorder that mainly affects the scalp and causes flaking yellowish skin, oily skin, redness, swelling, itching and dandruff; it can affect the face, ears, chest and other body areas where the sebaceous glands abound.

Although not known with certainty the cause that causes seborrheic dermatitis, can be aggravated by a yeast infection, certain medical conditions affecting the nervous and immune, in periods with hormonal changes or may relate to the genetic system.

You can also suffer from seborrheic dermatitis, if you have stress, fatigue, obesity, or use topical products with alcohol.

Mar 16, 2016

8 Home remedies for longer eyelashes

The eyelashes improve the appearance and also protect the eyes, especially if they are long and thick and if this is not your case, you can use various home remedies to grow longer eyelashes.
A healthy and abundant food in protein and vitamins promotes eyelash growth, especially rich in vitamin B, and antioxidants such as vitamin C and E, and promote rapid growth of eyelashes, strengthens.
You can find vitamin B in foods of animal origin such as meats, organ meats and eggs and plant foods such as cereals, legumes, nuts, mushrooms, yeast and wheat germ. Vitamin C and E appear in citrus, avocados and green leafy vegetables.

Longer Eyelashes

Mar 13, 2016

Causes and Natural Remedies for Hiatal Hernia

Hiatal hernia is an anatomical abnormality in which part of the stomach protrudes into the chest through the diaphragm, and has almost all the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease, such as heartburn, nausea and regurgitation.
The main cause of such herniation results in a glaring weakness of the muscles which in turn has been generated by violent and prolonged contractions in the area, pregnancy, sagging caused by age or diseases such as bulimia or the obesity. Although in most cases surgery is required to solve this problem, you can use natural remedies to relieve some of your symptoms.

Photo By: Mysid (Commons.wikimedia.org)

Mar 7, 2016

18 Home Remedies for Blemishes

The spots on the skin may appear at any time of life, either by the action of the sun, hormonal changes, such as menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause or by an action of acne. For the skin to return to its normal appearance, you can try following home remedies for blemishes.
One of the best way is to perform a detox diet to achieve a healthier skin, cleaning from the inside, to remove toxic accumulated in the liver and intestine, through different types of food.

Image Source: Youtube

Feb 29, 2016

23 Home remedies for bags under eyes and dark circles

Bags under eyes and dark circles are a common problem that many people complain about. It can be defined as darkish-blue half-moons or tape under the eye. Circles under the eyes diminish the beauty of the face, and make the person look aged, depressed, sick, tired and above all ghostly. Thus, the stubborn circles are a cause of much embarrassment but they can be easily treated with help of home remedies. The physiological reason behind dark circles is weakened blood capillaries located under the eyes. The skin that encapsulates these tiny capillaries under the eyes is very delicate and thin. Capillaries are so fine that red blood cells have to force their way through these capillaries. During the drying up process seem dark circles under the eyes. The loose blood breaks through an oxidation process called hemoglobin degradation, which gives dark circles their characteristic color. Not getting enough sleep or pregnancy or menstruation does not cause circles actually. But they only accentuate dark circles because insufficient sleep, pregnancy and menstruation make the surrounding skin turning pale.

Dark Circle Under Eyes
Image Source: Commons.Wikipedia.Org By:: Serdar G.

Feb 13, 2016

Home Remedies for Dengue Fever and Prevention Tips

Dengue is a disease characterized by high body temperature. It is caused by a virus transmitted by mosquitoes. If left untreated it can be fatal. Besides the help of a professional, you can also use home remedies for dengue fever. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 2.5 billion people are at risk of dengue. It's about 2 / 5ths of the entire population of the world. About 50 million people are infected with this disease each year worldwide.

Rash caused by Dengue Fever
Photo By: Ranjan premaratna (Professor in medicine)

Feb 12, 2016

Shingles: Natural Cure, Causes and Signs

Shingles (also called herpes zoster) is an infection of the skin and the nervous system that primarily affects people over 60 years. This infectious disease is caused by the reactivation of varicella zoster virus (VZV). Cases of herpes zoster in the family and stress can increase the risk, especially in people over 50 years. Decreased immune seems the most common cause. Below are some natural cures for shingles pain, it is important to start treatment quickly and visit your doctor as soon as possible.

Herpes zoster blister on neck and shoulder
Image Source: Wikipedia (By John Pozniak

Feb 11, 2016

What is acne rosacea? Natural remedies for rosacea acne

What is acne rosacea?
It is a chronic disease of the skin that is characterized by inflammation of blood vessels. As we have already said, it affects mostly the face, sometimes the eyes. It rarely spread to the rest of the body. This condition does not really have much to do with acne, even if it partly shares the name. This is a vascular disease that is: rash, hypersensitivity of blood capillaries, and then only in a more advanced stage buttons that resemble acne.

Acne Rosacea on face
Image source: Wikipedia (By Richard-59

Jan 20, 2016

Underarm Smell is affecting Your Self-Esteem ! Treatment & Prevention

The first thing to know is that the underarm smell does not come precisely because of poor hygiene, since in many cases it is taken for glandular or hormonal factors. This odor is usually uncomfortable and unpleasant for the person who possesses affecting the self-esteem of those who suffer and causing discomfort in their environment.

Man smelling his armpits

Jan 13, 2016

Back aches Cures and Causes

Back pain is an indication that we have done something that has not gone well behind us and therefore, we must think about what was and correct it if we can. Though the work itself often forces us to spend hours standing or sitting and we cannot change, we can do certain exercises daily that will not take us too long and allow us to avoid this problem. With simple tips and a little practice you will see that this problem can improve a lot

Man having back aches

Jan 7, 2016

How to stop Dizziness and nausea naturally?

Behind nausea (with or without vomiting) can put a variety of causes. Among other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the abdominal cavity, as well as infectious diseases are possible. Often the nausea is associated with other symptoms such as dizziness, headache or diarrhea. We reveal what helps against nausea and what home remedies are particularly effective.

A women feeling nausea and dizziness

Jan 5, 2016

How to get rid of Heartburn? 7 Home Remedies

Feeling burn in the stomach, acid reflux or just a bad feeling in stomach? These home remedies help against acute heartburn. It is best to try out which of these home remedies can help you best. If after a few days there is no improvement, and the heartburn occurs increasingly you should definitely see a doctor and clarify the causes.

Heart bun vector graphic

Jan 3, 2016

Homemade Natural Remedies for Cough

Most cough occur as a symptom of a cold, flu or sinus infections, although more serious problems like lung infections can also cause coughing. In most cases, cough clears your throat and lungs of mucus and other irritating particles. An ongoing or severe cough may indicate a more serious problem. Homemade natural remedies can help you deal with the discomfort. If your cough remains for more than two weeks, consult your doctor to determine the cause and for further treatment.

A baby coughing in bed

Jan 1, 2016

How to Stop diarrhea fast? 9 Home Remedies

 Diarrhea is usually caused by bacteria, viruses, and food intolerance. Often it goes very quickly. The belly starts to rumble and you've got the feeling that you have to run to the toilet. Home remedies can be used to stop diarrhea. In general, the complaints should be subsided within three days. If this is not the case; the treatment should be carried out by a doctor.
In case of severe diarrhea, home remedies are used only for support. It is important to see a doctor and arrange the treatment with him.

Vector image related to diarrhea

Dec 30, 2015

Dec 25, 2015

Natural Cure and Reasons for constipation

Reasons for constipation:

The reasons of constipation are usually too low-fiber diet, inadequate fluid intake, lack of exercise, stress, hormonal changes, medication or even psychological problems. Most people suffer but also a blockage when they are in an unfamiliar environment. For a well-functioning digestive the body needs a lot of vitamins, fiber, carbohydrates, minerals, trace elements, water and lactic acid bacteria. If you suffer from a blockage, then you now know that it can have many causes. Hard stool is not uncommon. With age, constipation occurs even more frequently. Especially older people (aged over 60 years) often suffer from constipation. The digestive problems occur in women about twice as often as in men. If the constipation does not disappear even after our tips below, you should see a doctor.

Hand on belly due to constipation pain

Dec 22, 2015

My ear feels clogged..How to clean a clogged Ear?

What Causes clogged Ears?
Earwax is a useful ear protection against bacteria and other environmental influences. However, an overproduction causes ears clogged or cerumen plugs. Earaches, headaches, tinnitus, noise or beeping in the ear are common problems that can occur in adults and children as a result of excessive earwax production.
By cleaning ears with cotton swabs, for example, the lard is pressed further into the ear canal causing a blockage of the ear can occur with a solidifying cerumen plugs.

Moreover, the risk for the development of fixed earwax by using ear plugs or hearing aids will be increased.
Too much hard earwax or grafting can produce the following symptoms:
Itching in the ear canal

  • Ear Pressure
  • dizziness
  • Noise, e.g. noise or beeping in the ear
  • Discharge from the ear canal
  • Decreased hearing, deafness
  • Earache
  • Headache
  • Tinnitus

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