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Dec 25, 2015

Natural Cure and Reasons for constipation

Reasons for constipation:

The reasons of constipation are usually too low-fiber diet, inadequate fluid intake, lack of exercise, stress, hormonal changes, medication or even psychological problems. Most people suffer but also a blockage when they are in an unfamiliar environment. For a well-functioning digestive the body needs a lot of vitamins, fiber, carbohydrates, minerals, trace elements, water and lactic acid bacteria. If you suffer from a blockage, then you now know that it can have many causes. Hard stool is not uncommon. With age, constipation occurs even more frequently. Especially older people (aged over 60 years) often suffer from constipation. The digestive problems occur in women about twice as often as in men. If the constipation does not disappear even after our tips below, you should see a doctor.

Hand on belly due to constipation pain

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Natural Cure for constipation:

  • High-fiber foods relieve constipation, eat high fiber foods daily. These mainly include vegetables, fruits and whole grains; also you should drink at least two liters of water a day.

  • Soak overnight a few prunes or figs in a little lukewarm water. Then drink the juice in the morning or chew the fruit slowly.

  • Digestive Stimulating acts glass of fruit juice, whey, juice or a glass of warm sauerkraut water. Alternatively, you can also mix some fruit vinegar or radish juice with water and drink. Do not drink before breakfast.

  • If you regularly drink coffee, then you already do unconsciously something for constipation, because coffee stimulates digestion. Coffee irritates namely the intestinal mucosa, resulting in a natural bowel movement.

  • Move around a lot and sufficient also can help in constipation. A permanent seat promotes constipation.

  • Some sports exercises also stimulate digestion. Lie on your back and support your hands on hips. Stretch your legs up now and do now about 10 minutes of cycling movements in the air.

  • Put a hot water bottle on the abdomen. Heat is good for digestion, it is thereby also stimulated.

  • You can stimulate your bowel function by massaging your tummy while lying semicircle from right bottom to top and bottom left and vigorously inhale and exhale. Thus massage your abdomen in the course of the colon.

  • Eat fresh pineapple slices, watermelon, grapes or sauerkraut. These foods stimulate digestion.

  • Eat a cup of yogurt mixed this with a spoon bran or flaxseed.

  • Raw honey is a mild and natural laxative.

  • Mix a cup of tomato juice with a quarter cup of carrot juice and half a cup of sauerkraut juice.

  • Make a cereal from a tablespoon of bran, a tablespoon of flaxseed and a teaspoon of milk sugar and eat it in the morning,

  • Stir 1 teaspoon crushed psyllium in 1 cup of hot water. Infuse it for 2 hours and then add a little honey and some drops of lemon.

  • Before bedtime pour 1/4 liter of tap water or still mineral water in a glass and let it covered at room temperature. Drink this glass of stale water the next morning immediately after getting up on an empty stomach.

  • Mate tea, the tea from the leaves of the South American tree, 2 teaspoons Mate leaves are infused in a cup of boiling water. Let no more than 3 minutes. Drink 3 cups a day.

  • Eat in the morning on an empty stomach stirred 1 cup yogurt with 1 tablespoon wheat bran.

  • Swallow 1 to 2 tablespoons of castor oil.

  • The best for purpose of enema are 1/2 liter of chamomile tea or lukewarm water.

  • In the morning on an empty stomach take 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.

  • It is important to drink 1.5 to 2 liters for healthy bowel movements per day as a rule. Among the inexpensive drinks include water, buttermilk, yoghurt drinks, herbal tea, fruit tea, fruit and vegetable juices.

  • 1/2 squeezed lemon Stir in 1 glass of warm water and drink before breakfast, surely helps.

  • Take 1 tablespoon spicy radish juice in 1 glass of lukewarm water and drink before meals.

Your digestion would actually be revamped again with these tips, if not then you should consult a doctor.

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