A blog about Skin care tips, skin problems, Natural skin care, health care tips, Fitness tips and Natural Remedies.

Showing posts with label Skin Care Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skin Care Tips. Show all posts

Apr 27, 2016

Detox Rash: Effects of Detoxification on Skin

Skin Rash that appears due to detoxification is also known as Detox Rash. Usually, the purpose of a detox diet is to rid your body of chemicals and toxins, but this type of diet can involve side effects that occur as a result of organic cleanings such as rashes.

Detox diets are generally composed of juice or eating organic foods, strictly avoiding ingestion of solid foods, aiming to clean your system, to improve the natural functionality at all levels. Although there are opponents of these diets considering them harmful to your health, as there are several negative symptoms that may be experienced during organic cleaning, it is noteworthy that most of them will disappear once you return to your regular diet.

Apr 15, 2016

How to Cure Eczema with Natural Remedies

The eczema is a disease in which the skin becomes dry and irritated, leading to reddening and swell. Its treatment is vital to avoid future complications. A good way is to stay home and follow some natural remedies that avoid the high costs and side effects brought by the conventional medical methods.

Photo By: Carolyn

Mar 24, 2016

6 Natural Remedies for Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin disorder that mainly affects the scalp and causes flaking yellowish skin, oily skin, redness, swelling, itching and dandruff; it can affect the face, ears, chest and other body areas where the sebaceous glands abound.

Although not known with certainty the cause that causes seborrheic dermatitis, can be aggravated by a yeast infection, certain medical conditions affecting the nervous and immune, in periods with hormonal changes or may relate to the genetic system.

You can also suffer from seborrheic dermatitis, if you have stress, fatigue, obesity, or use topical products with alcohol.

Mar 7, 2016

18 Home Remedies for Blemishes

The spots on the skin may appear at any time of life, either by the action of the sun, hormonal changes, such as menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause or by an action of acne. For the skin to return to its normal appearance, you can try following home remedies for blemishes.
One of the best way is to perform a detox diet to achieve a healthier skin, cleaning from the inside, to remove toxic accumulated in the liver and intestine, through different types of food.

Image Source: Youtube

Feb 29, 2016

23 Home remedies for bags under eyes and dark circles

Bags under eyes and dark circles are a common problem that many people complain about. It can be defined as darkish-blue half-moons or tape under the eye. Circles under the eyes diminish the beauty of the face, and make the person look aged, depressed, sick, tired and above all ghostly. Thus, the stubborn circles are a cause of much embarrassment but they can be easily treated with help of home remedies. The physiological reason behind dark circles is weakened blood capillaries located under the eyes. The skin that encapsulates these tiny capillaries under the eyes is very delicate and thin. Capillaries are so fine that red blood cells have to force their way through these capillaries. During the drying up process seem dark circles under the eyes. The loose blood breaks through an oxidation process called hemoglobin degradation, which gives dark circles their characteristic color. Not getting enough sleep or pregnancy or menstruation does not cause circles actually. But they only accentuate dark circles because insufficient sleep, pregnancy and menstruation make the surrounding skin turning pale.

Dark Circle Under Eyes
Image Source: Commons.Wikipedia.Org By:: Serdar G.

Feb 26, 2016

Ways to Reduce Cellulite | Causes & Classification

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is the appearance of dimpled or lumpy skin around the hips, thighs and buttocks have been a cosmetic problem for women since the 1920s, when the term was first used. Cellulite has a number of reasons, the most prevalent are the diet and genetic predisposition. There is ample evidence that the appearance of cellulite is a natural state, inextricably linked to the aging process and there is no real solution.

cellulite in legs
Photo By : Lanzi

Feb 19, 2016

Effective Treatments to Remove Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are caused by the rapid increase in size and weight. They occur most commonly during pregnancy and rapid growth in teenage years. It is best to treat stretch marks in their early stages when they are still red and purple. They are harder to treat, when they are white. But although it can be hard to get rid of stretch marks completely, there are a few effective treatments to minimize or remove their appearance.

Stretch Marks on belly
Photo By: FatM1ke

Treatments to remove stretch marks:

Feb 12, 2016

Shingles: Natural Cure, Causes and Signs

Shingles (also called herpes zoster) is an infection of the skin and the nervous system that primarily affects people over 60 years. This infectious disease is caused by the reactivation of varicella zoster virus (VZV). Cases of herpes zoster in the family and stress can increase the risk, especially in people over 50 years. Decreased immune seems the most common cause. Below are some natural cures for shingles pain, it is important to start treatment quickly and visit your doctor as soon as possible.

Herpes zoster blister on neck and shoulder
Image Source: Wikipedia (By John Pozniak

Feb 11, 2016

What is acne rosacea? Natural remedies for rosacea acne

What is acne rosacea?
It is a chronic disease of the skin that is characterized by inflammation of blood vessels. As we have already said, it affects mostly the face, sometimes the eyes. It rarely spread to the rest of the body. This condition does not really have much to do with acne, even if it partly shares the name. This is a vascular disease that is: rash, hypersensitivity of blood capillaries, and then only in a more advanced stage buttons that resemble acne.

Acne Rosacea on face
Image source: Wikipedia (By Richard-59

Feb 3, 2016

Easy Recommendations to Prevent Acne

Preventing acne on the face is a very simple matter, just follow few easy recommendations and that's it, you'll have a healthy and beautiful face and acne will be a thing not experience. Follow the prompts to know how to prevent acne on face.

Image Source: Wikipedia

Jan 15, 2016

Tanning Without UV Rays - Indoor Tan Lotions

Indoor Tanning Lotions:

Indoor tanning provides a service for many people; however, it does not meet the needs of every tanning client. Some may want a good-looking tan for the big date this weekend; while others may be sun sensitive for a variety of reasons. To help salon operators meet the needs of these tanning hopefuls, the lotion industry now offers two self-tanning alternatives for salons.

First is the instant self-tanning lotion which uses DHA. Second is the instantaneous tan lotion which uses a skin dye known as Lawsone.

These two lotions work differently, color the skin differently and give different results in use. Furthermore, a salon operator's ability to match the correct product with a client's specific needs will enhance his or her image as a skincare professional.

Picture of Indoor tanning lotion

Dec 30, 2015

Dec 20, 2015

Acne Causes | 22 Natural Home Remedies

What is the cause of Acne?

It is primarily genetic; you get acne on the skin that is more sensitive to hormonal changes and produces more fatty acids that serve certain bacteria as food. And this acne bacteria causing pimples and inflammation. Some women toil for decades with blemished skin, some have mid-30s the first pimples - and then there are always more. Meanwhile, one-third of adult women are affected, men usually remain spared. The late acne is clearly distinguished from the Common Acne: The skin is dry, has little blackheads, but more pimples and inflammation, which may be so strong that they do even hurt. Instead of the T-zone (nose, forehead and chin) are now more likely to cheeks and neck affected, rarely back and decollete. The good news: Dermatologists take the problem now seriously and have developed treatment methods to liberate also adult women of pimples and many beauticians who specialize in acne. Not an easy task, because there are not a means, a method of treatment that helps all equally well. Some might just need a new body wash and others should stop smoking and eat healthier, in severe cases, you need medication. And sometimes it takes until you find the right combination, but one thing is certain: In the end, the skin is much nicer.

Acne on women face

Dec 11, 2015

Boils on Skin | Causes and Home Remedies

With age, we often have the impression that the day harder skin and its embarrassing side effects (such as acne) long subject behind us. There are numerous and frequent skin problems that are not soft ourselves as adults from the side. Although some of these complications are negligible and can be treated locally with common drugs, embarrassments are not excluded. Other skin disorders, however, can be painful, limiting the life or refer to other health problems.

Dec 5, 2015

Skin Itching: Emergence, Diseases, Causes and Remedies

What causes your skin to itch?

The medical term pruritus denotes a morbid sensation of the skin, which can affect any part of the body and causes that to scratch. If the itching is a concomitant of rash, it is usually caused by a disease, eg. jaundice, smallpox, chickenpox, allergies or disorders of blood circulation. In other cases, it may happen that you often scratch when an insect sting or bite by parasites irritates the skin and irritated when hormonal changes lead to deficiency symptoms or if a fungal infection is strongly present

Dec 1, 2015

Skin Tags : Causes, Removal and Facts

What are Skin Tags ?

Sometimes small piece of soft skin can depend on the body and include the stalk or stem. These hanging skins are under different names such Acrochordon, Fibroepithelial polyps, skin tag, fibroma pendulum, fibroma molluscum, papilloma Colli, cutaneous papilloma, cutaneous day, skin tag of Templeton and skin tag known. The skin tag occurs on the skin surface of the body and especially in those parts of the body where the skin surface such as eyelids, neck, shoulders, upper chest, breasts and hips rubbing against each other, will appear. Skin tags can be classified as the non-cancerous benign tumors that cause no symptoms. However, they can cause discomfort and medical complications if ever scratched or rubbed from jewelry and clothing. The chances of scratching or cutting the skin tags are during shaving also very high, while the large skin tags may burst due to increased pressure. The skin tags are very small, in the early stages and look like a pinhead size flat stomach. Most of the skin tags remain small and grow approximately to 1/4-inch in diameter equal to one-third to half the size of a fingernail Pinky. However, some skin tags can change the size of up to 2 inches in diameter equal to a cowardly in size reach or. The composition of the skin tags is just like skin, and they and included outer layers of the epidermis, fat and nerve cells and the core of the fibers the lines.

Skin tags on neck

Nov 30, 2015

Natural Homemade Skin Care Recipes

The skin is the mediator between our bodies and the world. With it we feel the warmth of the sun or a caress, the wind in our hands or texture of the clothes you saw us.
It is to fulfill this intermediary role that we must care for our skin and protect. In this note we offer easy, natural Recipe and inexpensive ways to do it.

Five Basic Daily Skin Care Tips

To maintain healthy skin, it is important to keep it clean and moisturized. To do this many products are circulating in the market but these tend to be expensive and can be inconvenient for our health and the planet, due to the large amount of harmful chemicals and preservatives they contain.

Preparing for our own cleansing and moisturizing kit is a good alternative to alleviate costs, choose aromas and avoid chemicals that are aggressive to our skin and the environment.

Nov 28, 2015

Homemade Natural Eye Mask

The skin around the eyes is the most fragile and sensitive of the entire face. It is the finest in the face, and as found in an area of great expressiveness muscles to be in constant motion, is more prone to damage such as wrinkles, fine lines and bags.
Bags appear in the eyes correspond to fluid retention and dark circles are caused circulatory deficiency in that area.
To avoid these small problems around our eyes is convenient to remove make up well with gentle products every night. Also a good diet, regular exercise, avoid prolonged sun exposure, smoking, aggressive makeup and environmental pollution, affect our skin and especially to the contour of your eyes.

Remember also that if you do not wear makeup should keep a daily cleaning eyelashes, eyelids and around the eyes.

Nov 25, 2015

Nov 20, 2015

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