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Nov 5, 2015

Learn How to calculate daily calorie intake formula

Number of meals, calories, amounts grams ... in the fitness everything is calculated and when it begins to make a diet, either weight loss, maintenance or increase muscle mass, it is very important to know the quantities and number of meals we have to perform.
Therefore, it is important to know your daily caloric expenditure according to our weight, height and activity. Since each person is different and we have a completely different set of needs. Not everyone has to run you the same kind of diet or quantities of food in them, so it is not recommended that you continue diets written by others.

In this article we will teach you how to meet our daily caloric intake we need the easiest, quickest and easiest way.
For our daily caloric expenditure, you need to know before our basal metabolism.
But what is the basal metabolism? This is the daily consumption of calories or nutrients that our bodies need to survive, doing any kind of exercise or activity and our bodies to function properly in their basic needs such as breathing, blood circulation, functioning of our bodies etc.
To calculate your basal metabolic we can use the following formula; it is one of the most simple and quick to use:

Basal metabolism Male: 1 calorie x (weight in kg) x 24 hours Basal Metabolism Women: 0.9 calories x (weight in kg) x 24 Hours
Man of 80 kilograms
-Formula: 1 x 80kg x 24 hours = 1920 kcal of MB.
With this formula does not take into account either the height or age of the person, so that the result is not as accurate, but if we can get an idea and have a reference.
Now let's calculate your BMR with the formula of  Harris-Benedict , who is currently one of the most used. It should be noted that this formula is not perfect, has a small margin of error that always happen to us with any formula, but we will come closer to our goal rather than with the above formula.

Calculation of calorie expenditure with the Harris-Benedict formula:
Basal metabolism Man: 66.473 + (13.751 x weight in kg) + (5.0033 x height in cm) - (6.7550 x age in years) Basal Metabolism Women: 655.1 + (9,463 x weight in kg) + ( 1.8 x height in cm) - (4.6756 x age in years)
In our activity we will have a higher or lower caloric expenditure, therefore, the Harris-Benedict formula will give us only our basal metabolism at first. Then we multiply our BMR by a series of numbers that I presented below as our daily physical activity, thus result in our daily caloric expenditure:
Sedentary people: do not exercise or physical activity: basal metabolism x 1.2
Slightly active persons:  gently trained 1-3 times per week: basal metabolism x 1,375
Moderately active people:  They train 3-5 times a week: basal metabolism x 1.55

Very active people:  They train 6-7 days a week: basal metabolism x 1,725
Hyperactive people:  People who perform intense exercise, more than 6 days a week and have very active jobs: basal metabolism x 1.9
Now, once we have all these data, we will put a specific case and calculate your daily caloric expenditure.

Specific case:
25 year old man, 75 kg, height 1,75cm coaching five days a week in the gym.
Step one: calculate your BMR with the Harris-Benedict
Harris-Benedict formula: 66.473 + (13.751 x 75 kg) + (5.0033 x 175 cm) - (6.7550 x 25) = Basal Metabolic 1804,50kcal
Step Two:  This person trains five days a week, so multiply your BMR by 1.55
MB 1804, 50kcal x 1.55 = 2797kcal of daily caloric expenditure.
So that this person will have a daily caloric expenditure of 2797kcal by weight, height, age and physical activity.


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