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Apr 14, 2016

6 Natural Remedies for Inflamed Liver

The inflamed liver or hepatomegaly is a condition that hardly reveal any symptoms during the first stage of inflammation, making it difficult the task of identifying and initiating treatment to combat it. It occurs when the liver is inflamed, acquiring a larger than normal, due to causes that can range from an excessive alcohol consumption viral infections character as any of the types of hepatitis. If you have already identified the fault of your liver, you should visit your doctor to check the origin of it and start treatment. If the cause is not a more serious illness, you can complement medical treatment with natural remedies. Read on and discover home remedies for an inflamed liver.

1. Instructions:

The first thing to do is to identify really whether our liver is inflamed or is fatty liver, they are two different conditions. Fatty liver occurs when the liver fat index exceeds the normal average, due to a poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity or as a result of high cholesterol, among other causes. If left untreated, it can lead to severe inflammation of the liver. Thus, fatty liver may be one of the causes of liver inflammation.

2. Identifying the cause:

Identifying the cause is important to start treatment or another. For example, if the reason is the Alcohol, it should be completely eliminated from the diet. If the cause is a more serious disease of character, as one of the types of hepatitis, it is best to follow the medical treatment and take rest.

One of the causes is usually alcoholic hepatitis, so you must drink plenty of fluids during the day to cover the lack of hydration. In this regard, herbal teas and juices are excellent remedies. The fiber - rich foods are a must in our diet because they favor regulating the digestive system.

3. One of the most effective ways to treat inflamed liver is the infusions of Dandelion, highly recommended too, to fight fatty liver. This herb is one of the largest natural tonics, ideal for reducing the amount of fat accumulated in the liver and lowering high cholesterol levels. Therefore, if the cause of inflammation is one of these, this infusion will allow it return to normal size liver.

4. The infusion of boldo is also highly recommended to lower liver inflammation. The boldo is one of the most popular medicinal plants to treat various ailments and liver abnormalities. It contains high levels of boldina, an alkaloid that promotes the functioning of the gallbladder bile production increases and allowing the correct expulsion. So, it is a powerful tonic for the liver. Also, green tea is another powerful ally in fighting liver inflammation.

5. The tamarind is another natural tonics favoring the operation of the gallbladder and can reduce liver inflammation. It has protective and liver decongestant properties that make it one of the best home remedies to cure hepatomegaly. Infusion is recommended to take in several times a day.  Do not take If you suffer from biliary colic.

6. To close the list of liquids, lemon juice has digestive, antioxidant and diuretic ideal for reducing liver inflammation properties. It is recommended that you mix with water in equal parts and take it when you get up, fasting, before breakfast. You can also add a few drops of lemon juice to previous infusions for best results.

7. The artichoke is one of the vegetables that you cannot miss in your diet if you have an inflamed liver. You can take cooked baked or cooked, or prepare a juice with leaves. For this, you must liquefy three or four leaves with a little water. If you decant the juice, it is advisable to take a glass after every meal.

8. In the line of foods to cure the inflamed liver, onion has diuretic and cleansing ideal for regulating the operation of the digestive system and reduce liver inflammation properties. In this sense, the studs are also a good option to treat inflamed liver. It is advisable to take them in light preparations, i.e., baked, grilled or cooked.


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