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Nov 4, 2015

Eating Bananas while Dieting

Many dieters believe they should avoid sweet banana cream because it may be too high in calories. Not so, 108 calories for a small banana (. About 1 oz), it will stick nutrition. Loaded with potassium, vitamin B, C and dietary fiber is an important addition to any diet.

The USA Food and Drug Administration review of the food pyramid to encourage healthy people to eat 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. While bananas are a sweet fruit, if eaten less than full maturity, it has a gylcemic low level of only 30 (50 is considered low), very ripe bananas are in the mid 60s
Add bananas to a well balanced diet to lose weight. Most doctors and nutritionists caution are on a diet to lose no more than £ 1 to 1 1/2 pounds one week.

Most bananas found in American markets are sweet banana, Musa SAPIENTA or dwarf. Bananas are a different fruit, with higher starch content and are usually cooked before consumption.
The bananas can be eaten less mature or very mature. Researchers have discovered that there are more antioxidants in bananas that are more mature. Unripe bananas can be placed in a paper bag to speed up the process. The fruit can be frozen for up to 2 months. Once mature, not eating immediately, bananas can be refrigerated. His skin was dark, but the fruit is still edible.

Bananas originated in Malaysia are believed, about 4000 years ago, after expansion in India and the Philippines. They were introduced in Africa by Arab traders and Portuguese who discovered in 1482 AD, which brought bananas to the Americas.
In the late 19th century, people living in coastal areas of the United States might enjoy bananas as boats brought to the door. Only in the 20th century and the advent of refrigeration bananas were most widely consumed throughout the US Most bananas in the United States by commercial growers in Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Mexico.

Bananas are a nutritional concentrate. One medium banana has 467 mg of potassium. For a small banana 1 oz, still contains 33 percent of the demand (USRDA) USA daily recommended vitamin B-6 amount, 18 percent of vitamin C, 18 percent potassium, 13 percent of the food fiber, and 10 percent manganese.
Body builders, school and dietitians, can benefit from its high potassium content of bananas. This mineral helps maintain normal blood pressure and heart function. Studies show that a diet rich in fiber may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. In a study of 40,000 American men followed for four years, those who ate more dietary fiber, rich in potassium and magnesium foods had a significantly lower risk of stroke.

Eat bananas in moderation is not appropriate for the diet and diet alike. A study of 10,000 Americans over a period of 19 years has come to the conclusion that people who eat more fiber, 21 g per day had a 12 percent lower risk of developing coronary heart disease and 11 percent less risk cardiovascular disease. Those who ate the least amount of fiber in the diet consumed less than 5 g per day.
Bananas are known for their potassium content, which is the bone protection. Americans typically consume a diet high in salt, which means a huge loss of calcium in the urine, which may impair bone density.
Bananas also help protect against ulcers, as they contain a substance that helps activated cells in the lining of the stomach to create a thicker coating. Bananas are protease inhibitors, which help remove harmful bacteria stomach ulcers creating.


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