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Dec 1, 2015

Skin Tags : Causes, Removal and Facts

What are Skin Tags ?

Sometimes small piece of soft skin can depend on the body and include the stalk or stem. These hanging skins are under different names such Acrochordon, Fibroepithelial polyps, skin tag, fibroma pendulum, fibroma molluscum, papilloma Colli, cutaneous papilloma, cutaneous day, skin tag of Templeton and skin tag known. The skin tag occurs on the skin surface of the body and especially in those parts of the body where the skin surface such as eyelids, neck, shoulders, upper chest, breasts and hips rubbing against each other, will appear. Skin tags can be classified as the non-cancerous benign tumors that cause no symptoms. However, they can cause discomfort and medical complications if ever scratched or rubbed from jewelry and clothing. The chances of scratching or cutting the skin tags are during shaving also very high, while the large skin tags may burst due to increased pressure. The skin tags are very small, in the early stages and look like a pinhead size flat stomach. Most of the skin tags remain small and grow approximately to 1/4-inch in diameter equal to one-third to half the size of a fingernail Pinky. However, some skin tags can change the size of up to 2 inches in diameter equal to a cowardly in size reach or. The composition of the skin tags is just like skin, and they and included outer layers of the epidermis, fat and nerve cells and the core of the fibers the lines.

Skin tags on neck

What causes Skin tag?

The researchers believe that the friction of clothing or near Skins generates the main cause of skin tags. Both women and men are equally susceptible to skin tags and they appear mainly on the areas of the eyelids, neck, upper chest, especially among the female breast and groin fold. Occasionally skin tags were observed in children, but aging are mainly associated with and thus middle-aged and older people are more likely to develop skin tags. The skin tags are also very common in obese and overweight people, because they are more susceptible to the friction of skin on skin. The clinical evidence and research also show inheritance as one of the causes of skin development. The skin tags to the anal openings as perianal skin tags very common among people who suffer from Crohn's disease are known. The women are also increased risks of skin tag 46, XY, hormonal changes during pregnancy, especially in their second trimester of pregnancy.

Skin tags surgery:

Clinically, the skin tags are removed using one of the following methods of skin tags surgery:
Cauterization - heat generated by electrolysis is used to burn the skin tag.
Cryosurgery - liquid nitrogen with a probe fix from the skin tag inserted.
Ligation - the skin, the marks are removed by the blood supply to the skin tag.
Excision - the scalpel is used to cut the skin tag.
By professional dermatologist (skin specialist) or equivalent doctor the aforementioned clinical methods carried out. It is not necessary to operate under anesthesia for removal of small skin tags, but in large skin tags, it may be necessary, contact a local anesthetic such as lidocaine injection before they are removed. The topical anesthetic cream such as LMX 5% cream or Beta Caine cream may be an effective solution when there are a large number of skin tags on the particular area. In addition to pain, there are certain risks of these skin tags involved surgery procedures and your skin may temporarily discolored, you may need to repeat the treatment or can survive the burn or freeze skin tags using the methods.

How to remove skin tags? 5 Home Remedies for Skin Tags

Skin Tags Removal:

Although skin tags are usually considered harmless, many people prefer to remove it cosmetic or aesthetic considerations. Removal of skin tags is clinically indicated, in certain circumstances, particularly in cases when large skin tags in the field, where the chances of frequent irritation are through clothes, jewelry or the skin rubs is higher. Remove skin tags is also simplicity in cases where skin tags appear on the face or under the arms shave preferred. There is a misconception that will grow more tags skin tags when to remove the skin. There is no clinical evidence that the removal of skin tags causes more skin tags. Since the skin tags are benign tumors, they are not clinically to seeds or sat on the distance. The evidence that related to the misunderstanding can be explained by the fact that some people are highly susceptible to day growth of skin and they regularly remove quarterly or annually.

How to Remove Skin tags?

Thread: For removal of skin tags at home, tie the skin tags help a thread. You can use a dental floss for this purpose. Allow the thread remain on skin tag, as it is for a few days. After a few days, you will notice that the skin tag comes off automatically. This is the best remedy for skin tags removal to face.

Nail Polish:  A home remedy is apply nail polish three times on the skin tags during the day. Continue this process for a few days. The skin tags will fall in a few days.

Vitamin E Oil: One of the most effective removals of skin tags home remedies is the use of vitamin E oil on the tags. For this a band aid take and apply vitamin E oil on it. Now set to mark this patch on the skin. Keep on checking the sticking plaster for a few days to see that the skin tag has come off. If it has, you may distribute the adhesive plaster removing total. If not, change the patch and repeat the process for a few days until the skin tag triggers.

Dermisil: Dermisil is a herbal medicinal product that is very effective is known in the removal of skin tags. Dermisil is from extracts of three plants, namely, Thuja occidentalis, Ricinus communis and Melaleuca alternifolia, which are renowned for their antiviral properties made. For their use, wash the affected area with soap wash. Then, the liquid evenly and apply to the skin tag. Wash after about fifteen minutes. Repeat this procedure until the skin tags removed for a few days.

Nail Clipper: Take a new pair of nail clippers and make sure they are clean; I always sterilize, even if they are new. The first thing you can do is to get some ice and keep it on the tag for a few minutes to freeze the area; this will help with the slight sting when you come to remove the tag. So, now that you have sterilized the Clippers in water and alcohol, it is time to remove the tag. Insert the nail clippers on the tag and as close to the skin as possible and quickly clip the tags. I know that sounds painful but trust me it really is not just as bad, and you can produce a mild sting for a second or two. This is one of many variants to take off skin tags but please note, there are many options available if this one sounds like it's not right for you.

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