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Dec 1, 2015

20 Natural Home Remedies for Sore Throat

Sore throat among the unpleasant side effects of a common cold - often announce an incipient cold at. The pain, which occur especially when swallowing, ranging from slight scratching to very unpleasant symptoms. Sore throat due to a throat infection with swollen mucous membranes plans normally entail, difficulty swallowing and a dry feeling in the throat. With natural home remedies and careful preparations of herbal medicine, such as herbal teas, gargles and neck wrap, the annoying symptoms can, however, alleviate easily. Medical advice should still be sought if there is no improvement despite self-treatment complaints after three to five days or a high fever occurs.

Natural Home Remedies for Sore Throat:

Garlic against viruses and bacteria:

Garlic - the antibiotic under the home remedies - not only supports your immune system but also fights very effective virus or bacteria. Eat every day at least 2 fresh garlic cloves at the first sign.

Gargle with cider vinegar:

Cider Vinegar has proven for generations against sore throats and gargling with apple cider vinegar.
Add 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar. 1 tablespoon honey and 1 glass of warm water and gargle every 2 hours or mix 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar with 1/4 cup honey. Take 1 tbsp after every 3-4 hours. Apple cider vinegar and honey have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Flaxseed water for the sore throat:

A very effective home remedy for sore throat is the flaxseed water. Flaxseeds have the ability to protect mucous membranes and therefore offer excellent against sore throat. For this purpose, you should give a teaspoon of flaxseed in about a quarter liter of cold water and leave the tincture draw about half an hour. Be the liquid from now and gargle with it.

Saltwater against bacteria and viruses:

Loosen about three teaspoons of salt in warm water and gargle with it several times a day. Another variant is to dissolve the salt in hot water and then inhale the saltwater steam. The salt water fights bacteria and viruses effectively.

Aloe Vera juice to protect the mucous membranes:

Also aloe Vera can help fight against sore throat. Aloe Vera Juice is available in health food stores. Gargle every hour even with this home remedy for sore throat, to combat inflammation in the throat and soothe the mucous membranes.

Drink two liters of Water:

Drink at least two liters of water a day or unsweetened tea. This keeps the mucous membranes supple and well supplied with blood. Possible pathogens can be better combated with this home remedy for sore throat.
Blackberry Juice for sore throat:
Mix four tablespoon of blackberry juice, a table spoon of honey and two tablespoon of lemon juice, Drink three times a day.

Inhale a Saline Solution:

Even inhaling a saline solution has freed many people already clogged noses, but also many a sore throat. On 1 liter of hot water, take 10 grams of cooking or sea salt, and mix them in a bowl. Then you bow easy with a towel over your head over the bowl and breathe the steam slowly through your nose and mouth again. Repeat this until the water no longer evaporated.

Potato Wrap:

Cook potatoes, then mash them small and while they are hot wrap it in a cloth and place the cloth around the neck. Make sure there are not too hot, it is an effective sore throat home remedy.

Clay wrap:

Stir two or three table spoon of healing clay with a little water to form slurry. Sweep slurry onto a cloth and put this around your neck. Then wrap a woolen scarf around your neck, Remove it after few hours when healing clay is dry.

Sunflower Oil:

A table spoon of sunflower Oil gurgle for 15 minutes in your mouth then spit it out. Rinse the mouth with water and then brush your teeth without paste.

Black Currant Juice:

For sore throat helps blackcurrant juice. Mix four tablespoons currant juice with a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of lemon juice. Drink three times a day.

Vinegar Wrap:

Dip a cotton cloth in vinegar, wring and wrap it around the neck. Wrap a woolen scarf over and take it off after ten minutes. Repeat procedure twice a day.

Sage Tea:

Certain teas can help treat sore throat like sage tea. It disinfects and soothes the mucous membranes.

Suck Sweets:

Mucous membranes are more susceptible to germ when they are dry. Therefore it is good to suck sweets as they promote saliva production .

Lavender Oil:

Lavender oil helps with respiratory diseases: Ten drops give in hot water and inhale for 10 minutes.

Chicken Soup:

A chicken soup is the Power weapon against any kind of colds. Cover soup chicken with water, salt, add pepper and bouquet garni and cook for 45 minutes. Hot spoons!


Has long been considered an effective home remedy for the treatment of sore throat. A teaspoon of cinnamon and a teaspoon of honey with a cup of warm water mix. Two or three drops of cinnamon mixed with honey and water also give a quick relief for sore throats.


 For a sore throat and difficulty swallowing can be used to gargle.  Boil tamarind along with water, allow it to cool, and gargle.


Gargle with this home remedy can reduce the pain in the throat and difficulty swallowing noticeably - this is due to its germicidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Even the ancient Egyptians used fenugreek in healing their suffering. 2 tablespoons fenugreek seeds can be half an hour in water to simmer cool and gargle with it. It is one of the best home remedy for sore throats.

Calendula (Marigold):

Calendula (marigold) is soothing and antibacterial to mucous membranes and to relieve the neck pain and ensures the decay. Take the fresh marigolds (about two handfuls) let pour in two liters of boiling water. Allow it to cool and Gargle with the solution several times a day.

Sore throats are already characterized alleviated by regular drinking, that the mucous membranes thereby kept moist and irritation is attenuated. The best is suited to water that can be drunk alternating with diluted fruit juices and herbal teas. These are really an incredible number of remedies for sore throat. VERY IMPORTANT! Please note that these home remedy for sore throat does not always achieve the desired effect. We cannot guarantee that these remedies help with your symptoms and therefore. In any case, you should decide for yourself which of these remedies you want to test. If the sore throat lasts longer than three days, we recommend that you consult your Doctor.


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