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Nov 30, 2015

Natural Homemade Skin Care Recipes

The skin is the mediator between our bodies and the world. With it we feel the warmth of the sun or a caress, the wind in our hands or texture of the clothes you saw us.
It is to fulfill this intermediary role that we must care for our skin and protect. In this note we offer easy, natural Recipe and inexpensive ways to do it.

Five Basic Daily Skin Care Tips

To maintain healthy skin, it is important to keep it clean and moisturized. To do this many products are circulating in the market but these tend to be expensive and can be inconvenient for our health and the planet, due to the large amount of harmful chemicals and preservatives they contain.

Preparing for our own cleansing and moisturizing kit is a good alternative to alleviate costs, choose aromas and avoid chemicals that are aggressive to our skin and the environment.

Ingredients for Skin Care Recipes:

Corn meal
Olive oil
Essences or essential oils of lavender, rose hips, coconut and jasmine
Sea salt
A soft towel

Homemade Skin Cleanser: 

The first step to pamper and care for your skin is to keep it clean. To achieve this, it is important that each time you use makeup; you take it out before you go to sleep.

An easy and innovative way is using olive oil.

To do this, you have to gently rub your own hands with a few drops of olive oil on the skin of your face, focusing on those areas where there is more amount of makeup, such as the eyelids.

Then with cotton swab moistened with warm water and a few drops of lavender oil, clean your face.
This operation can be repeated if necessary.

How to Prepare a Homemade cleansing cucumber cream

Natural Facial Scrub:

To get it, you do not need more than a tablespoon cornstarch mixed with olive oil.

For this preparation is more pleasing to our senses, few drops of oil or lavender essential oil are introduced. This has antiseptic properties and a refreshing aroma.

Then the scrub applied to the face and gently massage with fingers in a circular fashion.

Pay special attention to those areas most fats, such as chin, forehead or nose and sides arise. Once complete, the mixture is removed using a cloth moistened with warm water.

Body Scrub at Home:

In this case, all you have to do is add sea salt with lavender oil and rosehip, achieving sufficient preparation to apply it throughout the body.

In addition to the properties of enjoying lavender oil, this home brings freshness exfoliating and regenerating and rejuvenating qualities of rose-hip.

It is important that the skin is clean and dry before performing the exfoliation. This should be done, as we pointed out above, with gentle circular movements.

In this case, feet, knees and elbows are some of the areas that we must not lose sight.

Natural Facial Lotion:

While facial peel that we offer is far from those aggressive methods that dry and mistreated our skin, it is important anyway moisturize every time you submit to these treatments.

For this, an effective recipe is add a tablespoon of coconut oil with a few drops of rose-hip oil and other oil of jasmine.

The mixture should be applied gently with small touches on all the skin of the face and neck. In this way we will feel more relaxed and smooth, thanks to the properties of coconut.


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