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Dec 11, 2015

Boils on Skin | Causes and Home Remedies

With age, we often have the impression that the day harder skin and its embarrassing side effects (such as acne) long subject behind us. There are numerous and frequent skin problems that are not soft ourselves as adults from the side. Although some of these complications are negligible and can be treated locally with common drugs, embarrassments are not excluded. Other skin disorders, however, can be painful, limiting the life or refer to other health problems.

What Causes Boils ?

1. Hives

A nettle rash develops as a result of allergic reactions to food, environmental factors (eg dust) or medications and forms unpleasant, itchy bumps on the skin that can also burn. The hives makes either over the whole body distributed noticeable in the form of several plateau similar spots, or it comes together in a larger, itchy skin survey, which can last several days.

2. Psoriasis (psoriasis)

Psoriasis first appears as a thick, red rash, which then turns into white patches or silver scales. This affects mainly the scalp, elbows, and knees and the lumbar spine. Although psoriasis is not contagious, it can reoccur after alleged healing in the case of an impaired immune system or in stressful situations.

3. Acne

Acne is a skin complication that is usually associated with teenagers and hormones. However, it also comes in the form of white and black blackheads and inflamed red lesions in adults - in this case mainly in the face, neck and back. Usually called "pimples" means, arises acne when pores are clogged with oil, bacteria or dirt.

4. Shingles

Shingles is caused by chickenpox and starts as a rash of small, tingling bumps that evolve gradually to painful blisters on the upper body and buttocks, where it can take weeks and even months, until they subside. Children, who are infected with chickenpox, bear the risk in adulthood of developing shingles, which certainly can happen repeatedly.

5. fibroma 

Fibroids form small, annoying growths that protrude like a "handle" of the skin. They usually occur near areas of friction such as shoulder, neck, armpit or under the breasts. Women and older people are generally more affected by this unpleasant but harmless skin disorder.

6. Warts

Warts usually form as rather harmless but embarrassing bumps on the hands and feet. They are caused by human papilloma virus and are contagious, painful and difficult to eliminate.

7. Herpes

This viral infection causes ulcers and sores in the mouth, which can occur due for example mouth clasps through a violation of the mouth, tobacco use, chemotherapy, radiation treatment, impairment of the immune system (eg, Crohn's disease), or irritation.

8. carbuncle (boil)  

A carbuncle is a skin infection that appears when more hair follicles become inflamed deep into the skin and melt into one surrounded with pus. Carbuncle can cause scarring and virtually occur anywhere on the body.

9. Impetigo

Impetigo is a highly contagious skin disease that usually affects babies and toddlers and arises either because of diaper irritations or bacterial infections of the face, neck and hands of infants. Two types of bacteria cause impetigo: Streptococcus aureus and Staphylococcus pyogenes. Both infect the body through skin wounds, insect bites or animal bites, and although the disease rarely affects adults, impetigo may be spread through contact with the skin or bedding an infected person .

10. dyshidrotic Eczema

Also called "Dyshidrosis", this type of eczema occurs in the form of small, itchy and filled with liquid vesicles on the soles and palms due to seasonal allergies or stress. The illness can last from a few weeks to a month.

Home Remedies for Boils on Skin:

Propolis tincture is also a good home treatment for boils. Two to three drops of tincture, applied several times during the day can help.

Lapacho tea regularly drinking stimulates the immune system and helps the immune system in the fight against local pathogen propagation.

White cabbage is a old known home remedy for treating boils. In a cabbage leaf, the large rib is removed and the sheet while fuelled (kneaded and pressed) escapes to juice. Thereafter, the sheet is easily heated and placed on the boil. This operation should be repeated several times.

Thyme has antiseptic properties. Instilled Two to three drops of a high quality essential thyme oil in some warm boiled water and thus impregnated a compress, the healing process may well accelerate. Instead of Thyme oil may also tea tree oil, myrrh oil or rosemary oil here will be used as a good alternative.

Healing earth (Luvos) is to bind capable toxins in the body and then transported to the outside. Healing earth, with some boiled water stirred into a slurry is packed into a small cloth and then placed on the affected area. This compress may well be repeated several times a day. To support the healing effect yet, the healing clay can be a mixed or two drops of tea tree oil. Healing Earth mixed not with water but with Lapacho tea, is also a possible variant.

Another poultice consists of some apple cider vinegar, mixed with oatmeal. This is applied, as described in the healing earth.

Yarrow is a plant that has astringent and anti-inflammatory and is therefore well suited as a home remedy for boils. From a tablespoon of yarrow and about 250 ml of boiling water, a tea is prepared. This is pour off after a maximum of ten minutes. A small towel or a compress soaked with it and put on the affected area.

Chopped onions and garlic, wrapped in a clean cloth or sterile gauze and a subsequently applied to the boil, are somewhat offensive odor but helpful.

A boil should never be taken lightly. While this may reverse engineer itself, but also spread and cause a large-scale infection from it. Just when the boil is on your face, going to the doctor is inevitable.


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