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Dec 22, 2015

My ear feels clogged..How to clean a clogged Ear?

What Causes clogged Ears?
Earwax is a useful ear protection against bacteria and other environmental influences. However, an overproduction causes ears clogged or cerumen plugs. Earaches, headaches, tinnitus, noise or beeping in the ear are common problems that can occur in adults and children as a result of excessive earwax production.
By cleaning ears with cotton swabs, for example, the lard is pressed further into the ear canal causing a blockage of the ear can occur with a solidifying cerumen plugs.

Moreover, the risk for the development of fixed earwax by using ear plugs or hearing aids will be increased.
Too much hard earwax or grafting can produce the following symptoms:
Itching in the ear canal

  • Ear Pressure
  • dizziness
  • Noise, e.g. noise or beeping in the ear
  • Discharge from the ear canal
  • Decreased hearing, deafness
  • Earache
  • Headache
  • Tinnitus

Home Remedies for Clogged Ears:

Ear wax removal with hydrogen peroxide:

To remove a quick and easy home remedies to hard, tight-fitting ear wax from the ear is the application of a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide. To effectively remove earwax yourself this is the best, but also a bit awkward, means.
Mix hydrogen peroxide (3%) and water in the ratio 1: 1, for example, one tablespoon. This mixture then fills it with a spoon or a syringe into the ear to clean. Here lie the best, with an ear to the top so that no hydrogen can proceed. The earplug is first softened bubbly which is unpleasant, and gradually dissolved. After a few minutes turn upside down and draining the mixture. If necessary, repeat several times until the ear is free.

Remove ear wax with Salt water:

To get rid of clogged ear saltwater be used as a simple home remedy for earwax overproduction and earaches caused by infections. The effect compared to hydrogen peroxide is slightly weaker, but pleasant and as beneficial for toddlers and babies.

Dissolve a teaspoon of salt into 100ml warm water. The application is carried out as described above, however, the salt water must stay longer in the ear to resolve grafting. Drain the salt water from the ear 15 minutes later, repeat several times consecutively or over several days.

Cleaning ear wax with vinegar and rubbing alcohol:

An old remedy for ear blockage due to ear wax is a mixture of vinegar and rubbing alcohol. The acetic acid and alcohol dissolve the earwax and relieve a clogged ear quickly. Instead of rubbing alcohol can be used alternatively any high-proof liquor. Vinegar and rubbing alcohol are mixed 1: 1 and filled in ear. After 7 minutes, let the mixture drain and repeat several times until the earwax has been removed completely.

Remove earwax with the home remedy of baking soda:

In order to dissolve excess earwax and firmly seated in the ear canal baking soda can be used as a gentle home remedy. Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda into 100ml warm water. Using a spoon, pour this mixture into the plugged ear, let act for 10 minutes allowing it to flow. If necessary, repeat several times until the ear canal is free of earwax.

Removing ear wax with olive oil:

A gentle home remedy for cleaning clogged ear is olive oil. The oil softens stuck deposits in the ear canal, cleans the outer ear and relieves earache.  Using a spoon, fill the oil in the plugged ear. Let act for 10 minutes, and then drain off oil and earwax. Alternatively, almond oil is also used.

Clean clogged ear with Ethanol:

You can also use pure ethanol to clean a clogged ear. Put two drops of pure ethyl alcohol in the ears in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. Repeat until the earwax is removed. You can use a pipette to put this solution in your ears.

Clean Plugged ear with Tea Tree Oil:

Boil a cup of water and add two or three drops of tea tree oil to it. When the water starts to boil, the steam is set to the affected ear. This will provide relief. Repeat if necessary. It is an effective treatment for plugged ear.

What causes excessive ear wax?

One of the most common causes of excessive earwax production is a lack of omega 3 fatty acids. Who constantly suffers from too much earwax can be prevented by increased intake of these valuable fatty acids and deposits cerumen plugs. Omega 3 fatty acids are available as dietary supplements, or even abundant in walnuts, fish liver oil, avocados, fatty fish and flaxseed.
To avoid grafting, swab should only be used very carefully so that earwax is not pushed against the eardrum.


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