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Jan 5, 2016

How to get rid of Heartburn? 7 Home Remedies

Feeling burn in the stomach, acid reflux or just a bad feeling in stomach? These home remedies help against acute heartburn. It is best to try out which of these home remedies can help you best. If after a few days there is no improvement, and the heartburn occurs increasingly you should definitely see a doctor and clarify the causes.

Heart bun vector graphic

Natural Home remedies for heartburn:

Here we provide the Natural ways to relieve heartburn. It can be very unpleasant and accompanied by abdominal pain and other problems. The order of home remedies has nothing to do with its effectiveness. Not all the tips may be helpful to you, but maybe you can find in the list "your" home remedy for heartburn.
It is also not advisable try every home remedy, it is best to listen to your own body and try remedies you think will help. Further down in the article some home remedies are briefly discussed that can reduce heartburn.

Here is the list of foods and herbs that help relieve heartburn:

Bicarbonate of soda
Medicinal teas
To chew bubble gum
Apple Cider Vinegar
Healing Earth
Carrot juice
Herbal gastrointestinal drops
Ginger, sweet flag, turmeric and cardamom
Tea with turmeric
Coffee beans
Small piece of white bread
 Potato juice
Baking powder

1. Chamomile

Chamomile tea works very well for prolonged heartburn and can be drunk without hesitation anytime. Buy loose chamomile flowers and add them in hot water, let flowers boil for a while. Strain water add a tea bag and Drink.  Chamomile has stomach Soothing and is also good for the other digestive organs and for calming the inflamed mucous membranes.

2. Make a medicinal tea:

Good herbs such as chamomile, nettle, lemon balm, fennel, anise, caraway, cumin, dill seeds, marshmallow and yarrow makes a good at home remedy for acid reflux. Why not try a tea made from the ingredients, 1 part mint, 2 parts Calamus and 2 parts of yarrow, , visit a well-stocked tea shop or in any good pharmacy. In almost every supermarket you get tea bags with anise, caraway and fennel and a tea which can often already be very beneficial.

3. Milk:

Milk helps against the burning in the throat and also quickly against the symptom of burning, but is due to the protein -and fat content permanently not the drug of choice!

4. Apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar helps me with occasional heartburn, which itself contains natural acidity. The apple cider vinegar is attributed to other health effects a lot. To try: In a small glass of water a teaspoon of cider vinegar and stir it. Drink it while eating .

5. Healing Earth:

 Healing earth is better than soda, which has a healing effect on the stomach. It can be taken without hesitation. Stir 2 teaspoons or scoops of healing earth in a glass of warm water and drink. 1 to 3 times a day depending on the severity of the symptoms. The healing clay is also available in capsule form to buy.

6. Ginger, turmeric and cardamom:

These spices are very healthy and especially the ginger is a well-known home remedy for stomach ailments. However, every person reacts differently in fact I myself also already got heartburn after too much ginger, which is why it should only be taken in moderation.

7. Potato juice:

Potato Juice can help relieve heartburn fast naturally. It is important to drink only small amounts of potato juice; because large quantities can cause poisoning (raw potatoes contain solanine, a poisonous alkaloid). The starch in the juice neutralizes the stomach acid

Other home remedies for heartburn:

Some heartburn home remedies that can help fix heartburn quickly as well, but should be consumed only in small amounts as possible, because the effect usually turns into its opposite: oatmeal, hazelnuts or a few coffee beans or chew a piece of white bread to eat (without sugar!).

You might want to check cure for acid reflux and heartburn by Jeff Martin. Click here


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