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Jan 7, 2016

How to stop Dizziness and nausea naturally?

Behind nausea (with or without vomiting) can put a variety of causes. Among other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the abdominal cavity, as well as infectious diseases are possible. Often the nausea is associated with other symptoms such as dizziness, headache or diarrhea. We reveal what helps against nausea and what home remedies are particularly effective.

A women feeling nausea and dizziness

4 best natural remedies for nausea and Indigestion

Ginger tea most likely the first to come to mind when it comes to naming a home remedy to stop nausea and dizziness. The ginger tea is a proven remedy for nausea, bloating and morning sickness. You can take ginger one of two ways to be: Either you chew it straight or you can cook it as tea.

Chamomile is a plant with a widely diversified range of applications. Chamomile tea is effective home remedy to stop dizziness.  However, the tea should not be too strong, but rather thin here. Ten flowers on a liter of boiling water are adequate.

Another cure for nausea is fruit vinegar. One tablespoon mixed with about 250 milliliters of water and just sipped, it’s not delicious but helpful.

Lemon is a known remedy for morning sickness and dizziness. Sucking from a freshly cut slice of lemon or add a few drops of lemon juice in a glass of water.

In Asia, drinking rice water is a known home remedy for nausea. Half a cup of rice is cooked fifteen to twenty minutes with a whole cup of water; the rice water also helps in getting rid of morning sickness.

Mix One liter of still mineral water, one liter of orange juice, eight teaspoons of sugar, a teaspoon of salt.  Drink the juice during the day. It is very effective natural cure for those who get the feeling of nausea all day.

Carrots contain a lot of fiber that bind toxins in the intestine and thereby help to ensure that the nausea subsides quickly.


Who is often ill, should mostly take only small meals. Bound soups, banana, biscuit and toast are recommended. Lots of fluids in the form of still water are just as important. Raw vegetables or raw fruit, alcohol, coffee, nicotine, fat, heavily spiced - all this should be avoided if possible.


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