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Nov 2, 2015

Let the Tiger out ... The new fitness trend

And though the middle of the living room! "Animal Walks" is the new fitness trend that makes us firm and beautiful - no studio and equipment. The best and most effective exercises we have here for you.

Animals are high performance athletes. Cheetahs, for example, can up to 105 km / h sprint. Gorillas are those powerhouses that they can heave up to 900 kg. Because our performance in turn is mostly spiritual, we sit at the desk during the day and evening bag exhausted from sitting on the sofa together. Animals, however, are forced by their surroundings to keep moving. Something that the nutritionist and author Achim Sam in his book "Clean Your Life" also recommends the readers: "Nature has us very well equipped to a long and healthy through life go. If we commit to muscles and challenge our bodies regularly, we gain strength, well-being, and endurance. We are improving our blood levels and lose weight. "Achim Sam has developed a sports program of exercises, the same strength, balance and agility training by mimicking the movements of animals. This "Animal Walks" can be performed almost anywhere without fitness equipment. "Instead of pumping up only individual muscles, you train for all movements," says Sam. This is not only fit, but also keeps young. It would be nice to be as old as a turtle.

The Cat:
Stretching to warm up
To warm you go down on all fours. The knees are positioned under the hips, wrists under your shoulders. As you inhale deeply, tighten the abdomen a strong and arching his back simultaneously. Taken just like a cat when it makes a hump basically. With exhalation let your stomach go again and stretch the spine in the opposite direction, by signing up press in a gentle hollow back. "It is important that you perform the movements to end while the spine mobilized," says Achim Sam.

Bear Crawl:
Coordination of schools and build strength
This exercise strengthens the entire upper body - you need for only a little space. Lean forward until you are on the hands and feet. The arms remain straight, the legs if possible. The hands should be shoulder-width apart. It is important that the hip is held high and the back remains straight. Now we go: A hand is flat put forward on the ground and the leg pulled simultaneously laterally peppy.

Crab Walk:
For a tight butt and strong shoulders
Sit on the floor and adjust the feet on. Place your hands about a hand length behind the bottom. Then spread fingers pointing toward your feet. Now press the pelvis upward until shoulders, hips and knees give a line as possible. Your feet are under your knees. Tighten your buttocks to hold the position, and walk away you go - like a crab. Alternately forwards, backwards and sideways. Important: Do not put your head in the neck. Put your hands shoulder width apart on a maximum and do not let your hips sag. So chest and front shoulder are stretched.

Inch Worm:
Muscle training for more stability
"This crawler thrive, they need her body in the middle condense and gradually pull the respective last pairs of legs forward. Something like that makes you it with this exercise - with arms and legs, "says Achim Sam. Bring to your hands in a forward bending with straight legs flat on the floor as possible. Now go slowly on the hands forward until you hold in a modified pushup almost sprawled on the floor: The arms are, at best, stretched his hands as far forward of the head as possible. Do not let the Hips Sagging! Now you can hike the stretched legs in tiny steps on tiptoe forward until it is back in the starting position.

Frog Hopping:
Jump for a firm bottom
This frog hop forms buttocks and thighs. To do so, go deep in the squat. The knee fall outwards, the hands touch before body loose the ground. Stay briefly in this position until you have a firm footing. Then catapult themselves like a frog upwards - "just like a frog, which extends in the air," says Achim Sam. The arms remain in front of the body, fingers pointing downwards. If you have landed on his feet again, go back into the squat, tapping his fingers on the floor and sit down again to jump.

Lizard Walk:
Full exercise for more strength and coordination
Walking like a gecko makes not only firm, but also good mood. To do this, take a plank position. Put your left arm forward, while pulling your right knee to right elbow. Now put on your foot and repeat the movement on the other side. Keep the body like a lizard as horizontally as possible above the ground. Achim Sam: "The knee is guided laterally past the body and not pulled under belly and chest forward."


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