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Nov 16, 2015

Clarify skin : Make Your own Natural Mask

Every day our skin is exposed to various factors over time and stimulate appearance of imperfections , such as blemishes, dryness, wrinkles ... All these imperfections result in skin tired and darkened .
There are many cosmetic products specifically intended to combat this problem. However, luckily for us, there are many natural products for the same purpose, to help us clarify the skin as we see rejuvenated and glowing.
Since not all have the same needs and the same products at our disposal, we introduce three different masks with the same goal: to clarify the facial skin.

How to have a Clear Skin ?

To have a clear Skin you can try following masks and these masks doesn't have any side effects on your skin.

 Oatmeal and lemon Mask:

This mask is ideal because it contains the most powerful ingredient for skin lightening. If you see that your skin is dull and looks a bit sickly, do not hesitate to try this mask to clarify the skin . We recommend that you apply this mask at night because during the day if you go out into the street the sun can cause skin blemishes.
Making of this home made mask is very simple. First, you must chop the peel of one lemon into small cubes and add the juice of half a lemon and two tablespoons of oatmeal . Mix all ingredients and apply on the area you want clear skin. Leave on for about 15 minutes . Finally, wash the area with cold water, pat dry gently and apply a natural moisturizer.

Carrot, papaya and honey Mask:

Like the lemon papaya is another key ingredient to give a lighter shade and even skin.
To prepare this homemade clarifying toner you must make a papaya puree and add the carrot boiled well undone and a tablespoon of honey. Stir the mixture well until you get a sticky paste and apply on the area to clarify. Leave on for about 30 minutes and after this time wash the area with cold water.

Lemon and yogurt clarifying lotion

This mask is also useful for skin lightening .
Its preparation is very simple, since only you mix two tablespoons of yogurt naturally with a tablespoon of lemon juice . Mix well the two ingredients until you get a smooth paste and apply on the area you want treated. After 45 minutes , remove the mask with cold water and dry the area gently with a towel.

With the three masks, it is important to go carefully with sensitive areas such as around the eyes and lips, as these areas may suffer burns and irritation more easily. If the area you want to try one of these, it is best to seek softer and less invasive masks.

Professional skin lightening treatments

A part of the natural remedies that we have presented to you, if you want to clarify the skin with a more professional and effective process , you should know that there are many cosmetic treatments intended only to remove stains and whiten the darkened skin due to hyper pigmentation .
One of the most common treatments used today is based on exfoliate the top layer of the skin which is affected by hyper pigmentation.
However, before deciding on any of these professional treatments, it is extremely important to be dating with your dermatologist to see what kind of chemical and which procedure is indicated to treat your problem.
Now that you know the main skin lightening procedures , you must decide how serious your problem is, and if you have enough or simply not treating it with natural products or if you need more than that.


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