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Dec 4, 2015

Energy Drinks: Dangers, Stimulant and Effects

The goal of energy drinks often masks the effects of fatigue or exhaustion, and providing people who consume an "extra" energy. The marketing campaign that have undergone these drinks by multinationals, have become fashionable drinks, being consumed mainly in night scenes or to alleviate the effects of fatigue and sleeplessness.

Health problems related to the consumption of energy drinks (using the energy term is misleading) are increasing. There are many cases where there have been serious health complications or even death, although it is not shown to have been the sole responsibility of these products, tests itself make it clear that the victims consumed not recommended amounts of these drinks or they were mixed with other substances that alter the body.

US reports say the consumption of energy drinks is directly related to increased visits to emergency in the country.

Picture of Different Energy Drinks

Types of energy drinks:

Or isotonic sports drink : we must not confuse these with the stimulants. Isotonic drinks these indicated to provide energy through their mineral salts, carbohydrates and water. You are recommended during exercise to replenish fluid, sugars and minerals lost in sweat.

Stimulants : Those that increase mental and physical energy of the person who consumes their psychoactive substances . Fatigue confuses the body and nervous system. They are trendy energy drinks are used to stimulate and provide the body of a being wrong.
Here we can cite popular energy drinks brands like Red Bull, Hell, Burn and so fashionable Monster, among many others.

Stimulants of the ENERGY DRINKS:

Energy drinks contain high levels of carbohydrates and stimulants added ingredients:

Caffeine : stimulates the nervous system and increases resistance to physical effort.
Taurine : Increases the power of the heart and lowers blood pressure.
Guarana : Contains seven times more caffeine than coffee.
Creatine : Increases muscle mass and improves physical performance.
Medium chain triglycerides : encourage the production of energy.

Effects of energy drinks:

What effect a 250 ml can of energy drink has on the body is listed below by chronological order.
Ten minutes after consuming the body has 80 mg of caffeine and 27.5g sugar, which is about nine sugar cubes match recorded. By Caffeine rise pulse and blood pressure.
Twenty minutes after consumption is already the stimulating effect determine: you feel more alert and focused; the blood sugar level is currently at the peak
60 minutes after the consumption of caffeine kick is already over. The body has processed the sugar and largely converted into fat. It will be tired again, looks irritated and nervous
Twelve to twenty-four hours after the body all caffeine is removed. If you take energy drink on regular basis and at frequent intervals withdrawal symptoms and irritability may occur. Headache and constipation are also side effects.

Energy Drinks Side effects:

By the caffeine contained in energy drinks the beverage can have unpleasant side effects. This is particularly the case when energy drinks are consumed in large amounts. Then, insomnia, headache, gastrointestinal discomfort and nervousness occur.
Therefore, people should, the (over) sensitive to caffeine, better not drink energy drinks. Likewise, energy drinks should be consumed not by pregnant women, nursing mothers and hypertension patients. Also for children and adolescents Energy drinks are especially not suitable due to the high caffeine content.
It is particularly important not to mix alcohol with energy drinks, Otherwise it will cause serious health issues. if larger quantities are consumed of energy drinks - more serious side effects occur: These include cardiac arrhythmias, renal failure and seizures.

Dangers of Energy Drinks:

Knowing the content of these substances we realize that taken in high doses can cause serious consequences in our body.
Among the milder side effects include arrhythmias , insomnia , digestive functioning problems, anxiety and crises of panic , aggression, mood swings and motor in coordination among others.

Energy Drinks and Alcohol:

At parties alcohol is often mixed with energy drinks to dispel fatigue or the bitter taste of alcohol. The combination of the two beverages is critical to see, since both drink the body remove water, it may cause a severe fluid loss.
In addition, the combination of the two drinks leads to a subjective assessment of the increased efficiency. This is because the effect of energy drinks the alcohol superimposed: One feels it less drunk than you actually. This can, for example, for the assessment of their driving ability have devastating consequences.
In general, the interactions of energy drinks and alcohol are not sufficiently explored. To prevent damage, the combination of energy drinks should be avoided with high-percentage alcohol in any case

Energy drinks and sports:

Whether athletic performance can be increased by energy drinks, is controversial. Some studies suggest that energy drinks have a positive effect on the aerobic endurance capacity. Other studies do not confirm this effect however. Presumably, the positive effect of energy drinks is due to the fact that the body is supplied by the drink with additional energy.
However, it should be noted that energy drinks are hypertonic drinks, deprives the body fluid. Thus, they can contribute to dehydration of the body especially with prolonged endurance exercise. As a result, severe side effects occur. That is why it is better to resort to water than to energy drinks during exercise.

ENERGY SHOTS - Highly Concentrated Energy Drinks:

The new trend in the energy drinks are so-called Energy Shots. They are basically the same as energy drinks, are usually offered as a "brief" drinks with 25 to 75 ml. However, they contain the same amount of active ingredient as the "long drinks". The stimulating substances from the energy drink are so in much higher concentrations included. So of course, the risk of overdose is even higher. Who additionally combined energy drinks with coffee and cola drinks, also runs the risk of absorbing too much caffeine and may result in Insomnia, nervousness, and hypertension.

It is very important not to mix these drinks with alcohol, which would combine the highly stimulation effects of energy drinks to the soothing sensation of alcohol. The stimulant beverage masks the effects of alcohol and enhance contraindications excessive intake.


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