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Nov 18, 2015

Say NO to the miracle diets and protein diets

I'm tired, to say to the WEBS! of those people who are super experts, touting his years of experience, its thousands of patients treated and the good results obtained through diets that sell their books.
Health is not a business, that I have very clear, but it seems that many professionals are not so clear .. or just do not care ...Unfortunately we live in the world I want it now and now, and some people, unscrupulous advantage of this collective impatience, have seen a very lucrative business.
We do not like to wait and when to lose weight is a little more of the same. We want to see immediate, fast and with the least effort possible results.
From our weakness the idea of miracle diets comes! Thousands of books, each proclaiming himself as the best way to lose weight quickly and easily, and hundreds of thousands of people desperate to lose weight, succumbing to the temptation to achieve what they have always wanted, without having to make the least sacrifice. Like everything in this life gentlemen, if we do not fight, if we do not strive to change and improve, the objectives are not achieved, and want to lose weight is no exception. If you suffer from obesity or overweight, out of possible cosmetic problem, you have a health problem, both emotionally it affects your confidence and your mood, you have a social problem, because every time you relate less and have a physical problem, because obesity is a trigger for many diseases.
As you see, the problem is serious, and as such, be treated and monitored by specialized health professionals who adapt the treatment to your needs. Because for this to work, there must be one, because you are unique individual solution, you have a unique metabolism, a unique and complex life and not good is reading a single book has no cover. At best .. the author will achieve what you spend, if you're lucky ...
Most miracle diets that are fashionable (today Dukan , Pronokal, Atkins, South Beach ... etc.) have a common bond. Are protein diets .
Its creators, trying to disguise, to give a different touch of class, and thus boast of having created what nobody had done so far, magic diet!
But the reality is very different from what they try to make you believe The truth is that these methods to lose weight, remain very similar to those of their predecessors and equally unbalanced and dangerous.
In any book you say that excess protein can cause you long-term liver, kidney problems acid uric and constipation , to give some examples. Nor tell you not only have to be careful with the amount of protein consumed, it is also important to consider its origins, because excessive consumption of red meat is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer colon .
Just have forgotten let you know that our body is wise and when note that lacks essential nutrients, makes some changes at the metabolic level to maximize every food you ingest, so it is that when you leave the diet, all you consume stays retained and regain the weight faster than they have lost.
Of course, you also have in their wonderful books that follow diets rich in protein and low in carbohydrates, is associated with increased mortality .
Still feel like you are risking your bless you? Whatever your answer, I will continue, I have not yet fully vented.

Have you ever wondered why you have it down as fast weight on these diets?

Diets low in carbohydrates cause a situation similar ketogenesis that occurs when you fast . This metabolic change causes rapid weight loss due to the mobilization of fat, your body used to obtain energy and last resort. However, this situation has a number of side effects such as fatigue, bad breath, headache, dizziness , and in the most severe cases of ketosis, can even lead to nervous system disorders and cardiac disorders if our PH is too acidic.

Well, now that I have been calmer, I leave my personal reflection and then everyone to do his. A balanced diet is the best investment in health can do , and to achieve the goal of better food, before we change certain habits of our daily life. As I said before, everything in life requires some effort on our part, and above all, a desire to want to change. All beginnings are hard, but as you go incorporating healthy habits into your day day, anger noticing positive changes in all your dimensions (social, emotional, spiritual and physical), and before you know it, you are so happy and feel so well that you will not understand another way of living. It is important to complement your food with exercise, as the inactivity is as harmful as obesity .

Avoid the diets of the famous miracle products and misleading books !! ;)

Nov 17, 2015

Best Guide for Ideal Weight

There they are again, the three, four kilos of sofa and television bacon, nicely hidden under thick knit sweaters. And like every year, reports the bad conscience, now time finally a diet to begin before the spring comes and the cover blows up. So is wanted on the internet or in the bookstore feverishly for the new weight-loss method that truly brings. Unfortunately, most diets have a catch: you spoil us the pleasure of eating and make us unhappy. We fight turns against hunger and to our self-control. Sure, maybe we lose a few pounds, but usually sneak the little buggers back on our hips, even before the first summer dress hanging in stores.

Head switch - recognize what the body really needs

On the way to work, a latte with caramel syrup on hand. Why? Because it's raining and Monday morning. An important presentation coming up? Quick a piece of chocolate. Oh, dear no less than three. Missed the bus? Then pick up now the pretzel with cheese from the bag. "Our emotional state is closely linked to our eating habits," says Chopra. We are constantly looking for gratification and find the quickest and easiest in the form of saturated makers that our taste buds by sugar, salt and fat stimulate. But before we squashed the last bite, we feel bad already. Because the effect is not long holds. And because we are champions in following wrong eating pulses.

"Most people make the triggers of their eating behavior completely unaware," says nutrition expert. "They react without thinking." It is this impetus it was necessary but to keep in mind. Instead between various obligations remotely for something to eat to grab Chopra advises, to approve a moment of mindfulness. Why I just want to eat? For distraction from boredom or nervousness? "Ask yourself whether your body just really needs food," says the expert. "You might find an alternative activity that slightly shifts your reaction to the rear or superfluous." The best pinning you look at an alternative catalog on the refrigerator door or desk drawer: You could drink a glass of water, replying to an e-mail or a call friend. "Every time a new reaction fruitful, we break with the automatic." The memorable message "I have done the right thing, and that's good for me" makes sure that you make a conscious decision in the coming weeks and months more and more often instead your spontaneous desires to give in. It is also important, listen inside in all sorts of everyday situations in itself. In the shower makes you aware of how you slept and how fit the body feels. At the desk you stops to check briefly whether the feet cold, back or crooked eyes are glassy. And whenever a decision is required, you can treat yourself to a moment of reflection, to not be rushed, but wax quiet of a state to act integrated. Chopra: "If you can make awareness techniques a habit, you will gain a fresh look and new possibilities for action." Little by little, one feels the fate ("I cannot resist," "I have no time") less delivered. And you begin to realize that you can actually rewrite his personal story at any time.

"Assign each weekday with a different theme," advises Deepak Chopra. On Mondays, switches from passive to active: take the stairs instead of the elevator to go for a walk instead of watching TV, turn the conversation to a topic that interests you, let's talk about the other place. Tuesdays replace everyday by inspiring: Read great poetry, listening to musical masterpieces, consider a natural spectacle. On the next few days you button up more counter pairs before: create recovery Islands in addition to the work, replace sluggish routine against vivid colors and spices, throw away stale and put out fresh. "Important  is to make every action by an internal set deliberately, 'Now I am active' or 'Now I'm optimistic.' '

Eat better - Detoxify, recharge energy and keep balance

Once you have this consciousness programmed positively, it is much easier to adapt the diet of the new way of life. One might start, for example, to put the issue of ease into focus: not just by taking possible natural and fresh foods and calorie drinks preferable but by doing it every day something that lightens the mood.
"According to the principles of Ayurveda, the entire color spectrum should be included in a meal, thus satisfies us entirely a meal," says Chopra. Foods with deep, rich colors are particularly rich in antioxidants and contain many nutrients that strengthen the immune system.
Also a variety of flavors is important: Hot spices like chili and horseradish have an antibacterial effect. Herb legumes or vegetables (eg. As lentils, artichokes, spinach) aid digestion. Bitter lettuce as radicchio and arugula dampen the appetite. A small dose Treat (better than fruit vinegar) has a balancing effect. Salty referring in moderation of soy sauce, fish and meat products. And Sweet, one should not fail, according to Chopra, but "make it a special source of joy that you can treat yourself in moderation and without guilt". The more varied bringing the flavors used, the smaller the portions may fail at the end, without them taste like deprivation.

Replace instead forego the motto: Instead of bread grain often can in its original form on the table, as quinoa, wild rice or millet. Who to  want to do without meat, accesses nuts and legumes. When fats and oils are preferably those of vegetable origin. And at breakfast helps a warm organic milk to keep the cravings for a Nutella sandwiches at bay. One tactic in order not to let the insulin levels to rise quite as strong, also, to wait with the chocolate bar to the main meal. Then the other nutrients dampen the effect.
Who wraps or watching TV next to the food, quickly succumbs to the danger of eating on the appetite also. Slowly chew, is the motto. Not charging you fork or spoon again before you have swallowed the previous bite. For mindful eating includes, after half a plate serving to take a ten minute break. According to Chopra gives you his body so the chance to register, if he really is still hungry. Discomfort, dizziness and a bloated stomach are always signs that He has given over the traces. Before the meal, the expert recommends a glass of soda with angostura bitters (you can find in specialty stores in the spice rack) to drink. In order to maintain the balance of the body, advises Chopra to insert now and then a gentle detox day. For fruit breakfast you swallow two teaspoons of olive, sesame, linseed and evening primrose oil (available as a mixture in health food stores). Lunch makes you look a juice made from fiber-containing vegetables and enjoying the evening a minestrone. So it detoxifies without effort, lightens your mood and  boost your energy level.

Nov 16, 2015

Clarify skin : Make Your own Natural Mask

Every day our skin is exposed to various factors over time and stimulate appearance of imperfections , such as blemishes, dryness, wrinkles ... All these imperfections result in skin tired and darkened .
There are many cosmetic products specifically intended to combat this problem. However, luckily for us, there are many natural products for the same purpose, to help us clarify the skin as we see rejuvenated and glowing.
Since not all have the same needs and the same products at our disposal, we introduce three different masks with the same goal: to clarify the facial skin.

Nov 15, 2015

Excercise to Lose Weight Quickly

If you want to lose weight quickly , the best method is to practice  aerobics steadily for 1 hour, three days a week, leaving every other day to rest. Here a selection of the best exercises. stir into the routine of cardio to lose weight and combine these exercises with other like jogging, cycling or swimming.

Nov 13, 2015

7 fat-burning foods you should include in your diet

Most people who want to lose weight are aware of the role of good nutrition for success in the medium and long term. The adoption of a balanced diet helps to reduce the rate of body mass , but also to maintain the balance of healthy weight to keep it off. Start eating Healthy overnight is not something easy, and less if for most of life a diet rich in fat, sugars and carbohydrates are kept. However, any time is good to make the decision and start generating a change both aesthetically and in everything that has to do with health. Although fruits, vegetables and grains are generally good to adopt an eating plan to lose weight, there are some in particular that given their nutritional properties can help burn fat more easily.

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