Natural Homemade Skin Care Recipes
The skin is the mediator between our bodies and the world. With it we feel the warmth of the sun or a caress, the wind in our hands or texture of the clothes you saw us.
It is to fulfill this intermediary role that we must care for our skin and protect. In this note we offer easy, natural Recipe and inexpensive ways to do it.
Five Basic Daily Skin Care Tips
To maintain healthy skin, it is important to keep it clean and moisturized. To do this many products are circulating in the market but these tend to be expensive and can be inconvenient for our health and the planet, due to the large amount of harmful chemicals and preservatives they contain.
Preparing for our own cleansing and moisturizing kit is a good alternative to alleviate costs, choose aromas and avoid chemicals that are aggressive to our skin and the environment.
It is to fulfill this intermediary role that we must care for our skin and protect. In this note we offer easy, natural Recipe and inexpensive ways to do it.
Five Basic Daily Skin Care Tips
To maintain healthy skin, it is important to keep it clean and moisturized. To do this many products are circulating in the market but these tend to be expensive and can be inconvenient for our health and the planet, due to the large amount of harmful chemicals and preservatives they contain.
Preparing for our own cleansing and moisturizing kit is a good alternative to alleviate costs, choose aromas and avoid chemicals that are aggressive to our skin and the environment.