A blog about Skin care tips, skin problems, Natural skin care, health care tips, Fitness tips and Natural Remedies.

Feb 10, 2016

About Bruxism - How to stop clenching teeth

About bruxism:

You can find yourself pressing your teeth regularly throughout the day or, in some cases almost constantly. In many cases, however, people clench and grind their teeth at night while they sleep, without realizing it. For this reason the majority of people who clench their teeth regularly are not to be really aware of and only a small minority is still experiencing health problems as a result.

Image Source: Wikipedia By (DRosenbach)

Feb 5, 2016

Benefits of Swimming - The most Complete Sport

Swimming is definitely one of the most popular sports in the world, with 43 million practitioners in the United States only.

Plus it is a fun activity, has health benefits, and helps you lose weight. Moreover, almost all Latin American countries and Spain have coast, so you can also practice at sea. Here I present the benefits of swimming in women, children and men

Swimming in the pool
Image Source: Wikipedia

Feb 3, 2016

Easy Recommendations to Prevent Acne

Preventing acne on the face is a very simple matter, just follow few easy recommendations and that's it, you'll have a healthy and beautiful face and acne will be a thing not experience. Follow the prompts to know how to prevent acne on face.

Image Source: Wikipedia

Feb 2, 2016

Osteoarthritis: Causes, Symptoms, Facts and Treatment

What is osteoarthritis?

This is the most common form of arthritis. It is also known as degenerative arthritis. There are over ten times more cases of osteoarthritis of rheumatoid arthritis.  Although it affects more women than men, tend to develop at an earlier age in men. Most of the victims of osteoarthritis are 55 years or older. Deterioration in osteoarthritis cartilage that covers the end of bone where it joins another bone to form a joint occurs. To deteriorate the cartilage that works as a buffer, the bones rub together when moving causing pain, stiffness and often the formation of bony growths called spurs or osteophytes that may interfere with the normal functioning of the joint and cause more pain. While osteoarthritis can affect any joint most commonly affected are those that bear weight as the knees, spine, feet and hips, or those who carry out a lot of hand movements.

osteoarthritis affected Hip Joint
Image Source: Wikipedia

Feb 1, 2016

Varicose Veins: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Prevention

What are varicose veins?

The chronic venous insufficiency, also known as varicose veins are swollen veins because of an abnormal collection of blood due to weak, often inherited, walls and valves of the superficial veins. This causes the veins to widen and dilate, so that blood is readily accumulated when a person stands for long.
"When the vein is dilated, it does not fulfill its function. They are responsible for carrying blood back to the heart and that means that the flow has to go against gravity: from the foot to the heart, the veins have valves that prevent the return of the blood flow to the foot and on the way up. However, if the vein is dilated, the valves do not function and the flow is reversed, which causes dilation increased and problems such as edema, swelling of the leg or in later stages, ulcers or phlebitis occur ( a varicose vein thrombosis), among others. This condition is more common in women, it usually occurs in the veins of the legs.

Varicose veins
Image Source: Wikipedia

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