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Oct 31, 2015

On Stress! Top 9 Tips for relaxation:

A little stress is not so bad, Thanks to the adrenaline flowing through your body, with your work done faster and still have a clear head. Constant stress on the other hand does exactly the opposite. You cannot think straight, make small mistakes. You should regularly provide relaxation So that you do not even enter into the long-term stress-case. I will tell you five immediate anti-stress tips that you can apply at any time in everyday life when everything threatens to outgrow. In addition, you can find below five tips that can help you relax at night.

About Stress Response | Stress Management Activities

4 SOS tips for instant relaxation in everyday life:

Take a deep breath:

If you ever notice that you breathe more quickly in stressful situations? This adds extra tension. Breathe deeply and slowly on other hand, you will automatically be quiet. The best anti-stress tip is a few deep inhale and exhale. Breathe slowly and deliberately through a nose, the breath hold briefly and breathe out through your mouth again.

Short walk:

Even in very stressful moments you can find five minutes to go short around the block. Do this as often as possible, fresh air blows your head. You feel for the mini-walk relaxed and prepared for anything the day brings yet.

Let fresh air:

If you really have no way out for a walk; you should open wide and deeply and slowly inhale the fresh air the window. That reassures and your brain is supplied with plenty of oxygen.


Laughter is the best way to shake off all the stress in the shortest possible time. Remember a fun experience, short calls a friend and asks her to tell you a joke. No matter what you do: simply laughs loud and heartily.
Let cold water run over hands
 Run short cold water in the bathroom on hands and wrists. This will refresh you immediately and you will calm down a bit.

5 tips to make the evening better off


Really nice sweat, think about anything else and then get full happiness at home: Sport is the perfect anti-stress agent. By moving the hormone serotonin to be released and which is known as happiness hormone. In addition, you distract the sport, you focus on something else than the daily stress and relaxes thereby sustainably. Incidentally, it is no matter what sport you do, while you have fun doing it.

Yoga and Meditation:

Do you like it rather quiet evening, you can stress with a yoga session includes or meditation to get rid of. Here you learn to you only focus on your body and breathing. These techniques help you immensely in everyday life.

Meet friends:

With friends laughing together, what to drink or eat something delicious: The perfect evening after a busy day. The best at the meeting you think even the next few days you back and you are daytime power.


A bathtub was supposed to belong to each apartment. Namely, there is hardly a place where you can wonderfully relax and leave your worries behind. Do you have any, you should put them as often as possible to use and in the evening relax in it. A little tip: get yourself relaxing bath and add essential oils that assist in calming down.

Foot bath:

Please do not despair if you have no bathtub! A foot bath works almost as well. Immerse your feet just in the warm water, sit back and close your eyes for a moment.


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