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Nov 10, 2015

Homemade eye, face and neck wrinkle mask

Olive oil is included in the group of healthy fats that will bring many benefits to the body. Its use has spread worldwide, after verifying that it is a great choice for all who want to build their body through food.
But beyond being a super food, this natural ingredient has nutrients and properties that can be exploited in cosmetics , especially in what has to do with skin care.
Some time ago that many cosmetic companies are using the compounds of this oil for the production of creams and different kinds of treatments for skin aging.
However, some people are using it in its natural state, because they are so versatile, it blends well with other ingredients that are less aggressive to the skin compared to the facts of chemicals.
Thinking about those who prefer to stay beautiful organic options, today we want to share three simple masks of olive oil that can help prevent and reduce premature wrinkling. Be sure to prepare at home!

1. Mask for the eye area
The skin around the eyes is more delicate than the rest of the skin and therefore is not surprising that one of the first areas to reveal the signs of aging.
Right in this area they develop small lines as a result of all the movements we do to laugh, mourn and express all kinds of feelings.
The good news is that thanks to the moisturizing and restorative properties of olive oil, you can make an excellent natural product to mitigate and prevent these small wrinkles.

2 tablespoons olive oil (32 g)
1 piece of cotton
What should you do?
Dip cotton ball in olive oil.
Do yourself a light massage around the eye area with the product, preferably every day before going to sleep.
You have no need to rinse.

2. Wrinkle mask for neck and chest
Many women worry about taking care of the skin of his face to prevent early wrinkles, but forget to give special treatment to his neck and chest.
Two areas as being exposed to sunlight and other environmental factors, tend to fade easily, becoming flabby and wrinkled .
A cream made of this natural oil can bring you the necessary ingredients to nourish your cells and maintain elasticity .

2 tablespoons olive oil (32 g)
Lanolin 2 tablespoons (20 ml)
What should you do?
Enter the two ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a simmer in a water bath to integrate well.
When they are mixed, I remove it and let it sit until it becomes bearable for skin temperature.
Apply the mask on neck and neck with a gentle massage, and let act 15 minutes before removing with warm water.

3. Mask to prevent and reduce wrinkles
By constant exposure to the sun, poor diet or genetics, many women are more likely to develop premature wrinkles than others.
Although it is very difficult to fight these factors influence the quality of the skin, application of this simple mask may be useful for the prevention and reduction of those early signs of aging.

1 egg yolk
2 teaspoons olive oil (10 g)
1 teaspoon wheat germ (5 g)
What should you do?
Pour all ingredients in a bowl and mix until smooth paste.
Apply the mask on the skin of the face and leave on for about 20 minutes before rinsing.
Repeat the treatment at least 2 times a week.

The results of these masks are not immediate and requires constant application to tell the difference. The good news is that its components are very beneficial for the skin and can use them to indulge at any time.
Besides decreasing wrinkles, olive oil will serve to moisturize, reduce sagging and stop the action of the oxidative molecules generated cell damage accelerating skin aging.


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