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Nov 12, 2015

Homemade face cream for wrinkles

Wrinkles are folds that form in our skin , usually by age. With the passage of time and the action of certain internal and external factors the deeper layers of the skin are altered and die, and these grooves they appear in our face.
The external factors that damage the skin are varied and can range from prolonged exposure to the sun, to the inappropriate use of makeup, the UVA rays or other radiation exposures wind consumption snuff and alcohol, etc.On the other hand, internal factors that affect our skin are poor digestion , poor diet, insomnia and production in our cells of free radicals (cellular waste) that must be neutralized and eliminated.

Homemade face cream

This is because mass production of free radicals destroy our cells and favors the appearance of wrinkles in the same way that occurs after prolonged sun exposure.
Obviously, the best prevention is to avoid the succession of all these issues. Therefore, we must exercise caution when it comes to sun exposure, wearing makeup and other issues.

4 natural and homemade wrinkle creams
Once wrinkles appear on our face we cannot delete them , but we can delay its arrival if it means we assiduously and take care of our skin. To do this there are numerous natural products and formulas that can help us to keep our skin elastic and healthy. Today we are going to bring four recipes of wrinkle creams that works. 

Mauve wrinkle cream for face:

75 grams of fresh leaves mauve( Malva sylvestris)very chopped
100 g butter (salt if better)

We put in a container leaves mauve chopped with a little water. There should be enough liquid so they can cook the leaves. Thanks to them and humectaremos protect our skin. In a separate bowl we have to get warmed butter in a water bath so that it will melt. A liquid time, we must add the cooked mallow leaves and stir well. Then we will draw the mixture from the heat and pour into a jar with a wide mouth and then get it out well. Leave the mixture to temple and we will chill in the fridge.

The treatment is based on applying the cream with a gentle massage on the wrinkles of our skin, 1 or 2 times a day. Leave to act 30 minutes and withdraw the mixture with warm water.

Wrinkle reducer ointment:

200 grams of butter
40 drops of lemon oil

To develop this ointment we put in jar stated amount of butter into pieces and heat in a water bath to avoid losing properties. Once diluted must remove the bottle and wait for it to cool slightly.
While we let it temper, add drops of essence and mix well, close the jar and store in the fridge until use.

Ointment be applied by gently massaging the affected parties. We have to rinse with warm water, about 20 to 25 minutes after application. It must be done twice a day, morning and night.

Facial wrinkle cream:

30 grams of onion juice (three tablespoons)
25 grams of orange blossom honey (one tablespoon)
30 grams of beeswax yellow (you can use white wax, but it is better yellow)

We have to remove the onion juice with the help of our blender or mashing vegetables. Then we have to melt the wax in a water bath in a vial or in a bowl over medium heat. Once we have the melted wax to add onion juice and honey. We will remove and let it cool before using it.

The treatment involves applying the ointment rubbed our skin once a day (preferably in the morning).

Cream for wrinkles under eyes:

20 grams of Pomegranate Juice (two tablespoons)
30 grams of butter

We need to melt the butter in a water bath over low heat. Once melted must let cool slightly before adding the juice of pomegranate. Then, we will remove well and let cool. As we remove we'll notice how the ointment is taking shape as the juice with butter homogenized. Close the jar and let cool in the refrigerator.

The treatment is to apply this ointment under eyes 1 or 2 times a day, both morning and evening. If only one application is made it is preferable that morning, because at night the skin breathes better clean.
Do not apply the ointment for more than 10 or 15 minutes. After this time we have to remove it with warm water. We must always be careful that when applying these ointments are not in our eyes; in addition, we must also be careful not to dirty our clothes and our hair. Bearing this in mind, we are ready to carry out your application and enjoy the effect of the care of our skin.


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