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Nov 9, 2015

Homemade facial peel for blackheads, scars and pimples:

The facial peel is a beauty procedure that is basically used to remove facial imperfections such as spots, pimples, blackheads, scars ... In addition to moisturize and give a touch of freshness that is surely needed. The problem of peeling is that if you're going to certify thee in a beauty center, first of all, we already have to move, and then often they will charge a rather high price, and right now, there are many that cannot afford.
Therefore, we want to show how to make your own peeling at home , with products completely natural , that will not damage your skin.

You can get the peel once a week for a month. Some of the products used for the peeling contain acids , and for this reason we should not abuse them. Also, if you apply yourself to the mask you feel you ignite or burn the skin, remove it quickly with cold water and apply a moisturizer.

Peeling on Face - 1: Anti-blemishes and scars
Normally  a dermatologist  makes the peels and uses chemicals that are ideal for our skin. However, with this homemade peeling that we present, the products are natural and much less invasive.

1 envelope unflavored gelatin
1 lemon
1 orange

Steps for homemade face peel
The first thing you have to do is squeeze the lemon and orange to extract their juice. You must squeeze the two fruits in the same glass as both juices should be mixed.
Then, when fruits are squeezed and mixed, put the juice cup in the microwave to warm the juice, but above all, do not watch it to boil.
Get the juice from the microwave and added in the same glass the unflavored gelatin . Mix until completely dissolved, and let the mixture sit for a few minutes.
Next, you must apply the resulting mask on your face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips and let it act between 5 and 10 minutes .
After 10 minutes, rinse your face with cold water and dry your face with a soft towel, giving little pat. Finally, do not forget to put moisturizer and skin will be moisturized and glowing again.
A tip: if you're going to go out after this peel, it is best that you apply a little sunscreen on your face as a result of these two fruit acids, the skin tends to be quite sensitive.

Homemade Peeling - 2: Clean pores and remove dead cells

Two tablespoons of olive oil
Two spoons of sugar
Half a tablespoon of lemon juice

Steps for home peeling
This peeling is one of the easiest to do and one of the most useful in the world. What you should do first is to mix the three ingredients in a bowl until they become a smooth paste.
Apply mixture on face giving a little massage with circular movements across the face.
When you're done with the massage let it act for about 10 minutes .
After this time, you should wash your face with cold water and dry it using towel. Finally, apply a neutral moisturizer.


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