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Nov 22, 2015

Natural Remedies to combat Dandruff

What is dandruff?

The dandruff is a skin condition characterized by small white or yellowish scales that can be seen in both the scalp and hair. Other consequence of dandruff is the weak and brittle hair, itchy scalp,dry scalp, redness and irritation of the skin of the scalp.

If you are interested in Natural home remedies (developing creams, herbal oils, masks, deodorants, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.) You can see more

What Causes dandruff ?

* Stress : long periods of stress maintained, fatigue and emotional and mental fatigue can provoke the appearance of dandruff.

* The fungus Pityrosporum : it can also be the cause of dandruff. It is a fungus found on the scalp but that if a large number may eventually cause dermatitis on the scalp.

* Hormonal changes

* Greasy scalp : This occurs because the sebaceous glands have too much activity and produce more fat than normal, leaving a scalp and greasy hair, but are washed daily.

* low defenses due to a diminished immune system

* Dry scalp : the sebaceous glands do not produce enough fat and causes dryness and flaking of the scalp skin.

* Shampoos, lacquers, stains, hair gel and other cosmetics and beauty products for hair can cause dandruff

* Poor diet with nutritional deficiencies, a very common is the lack of zinc.


Natural Home Remedies for Dandruff

1. Rosemary tonic: a natural remedy to combat dandruff is to make an infusion with 200 ml of water and 2 tablespoons of rosemary (can be fresh or dried). We leave it overnight. In the morning when we tagged along and we will use it dilute in 1 liter of water. You can use it for twice and keep it in the fridge or freezer for 5 days. Get him a while before the fridge when you go to use it. To use this rinse to remove dandruff rosemary just throwing it go slowly on freshly washed hair and rinse.Massage the scalp and let it dry. It goes without saying then.

2. Tonic nettle: it is made exactly like the tonic of rosemary, but instead use nettle (fresh or dried). Use it as often as you wash your hair.

3. Essential Oil Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus helps fight the fungus that causes dandruff, so adding to the natural shampoo you use will be very useful to eliminate dandruff. Leave an hour and then wash your hair with natural shampoo.

4. Tonic Thyme: In addition to using rosemary and nettle, we can develop a herbal tonic with thyme following the same steps above. It is very useful to fight dandruff

5. Essential Oil Tea Tree: Dilute 10 drops of the essential oil in a tablespoon of jojoba oil and massage the scalp. Leave it for an hour and then wash your hair with natural shampoo

6. Baking: Dilute a tablespoon of baking soda in 250 ml of water. Apply to the scalp once a week. This will help regulate the sebaceous glands

7. Tonic Comfrey: a medicinal plant with many benefits to improve the overall condition of the scalp. Produces the tonic like in point 1.

8. Apple cider vinegar: also has fungicidal properties and help to fight dandruff. 100 ml of diluted apple cider vinegar with 100 ml of water and massage on your scalp with this mixture in a circular motion. Let stand for 1 hour and then wash your hair with natural shampoo.

9. Essential Oil Salvia: just dilute 7 drops of this oil in 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil and rub for 3 or 4 minutes scalp. After an hour wash your hair with your natural shampoo.

10. Tonic Laurel: Laurel is very beneficial to regenerate the skin of the scalp and promotes balance, regulating both tend to be fat as those who tend to be drier. Follow the point 1 to make it.

11. Essential Oil Lavender: besides being very beneficial to help us relax, reduce anxiety and stress, also help us to balance the scalp and control dandruff. Dilute 10 drops of this oil in 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil and massage the scalp. After one hour wash your hair with natural shampoo.

12. Tonic Elderberry: Another natural home remedy and we can use to fight dandruff are the flowers of Elderberry, which vitalize the scalp and promote their balance

13. Essential oil of Mint: dilutes 7 drops of this oil in 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil and rub the scalp for 3 to 4 minutes get to go away by removing excess fat without attacking the scalp. When one hour has elapsed wash your hair with natural shampoo.

14. Coconut oil: is very beneficial for its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Giving a circular apply it on the scalp for 3 O'4 minutes after half an hour and you can wash your hair with natural shampoo massage.



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