A blog about Skin care tips, skin problems, Natural skin care, health care tips, Fitness tips and Natural Remedies.

Nov 6, 2015

Green juice recipe for weight loss

Green juices have become very popular in recent years, as it has been demonstrated that give many health benefits and are very supportive of the diet of those who want to lose weight. These juices are characterized by combining the properties of certain fruits and vegetables , which are rich in antioxidants and a lot of nutrients that help improve the functioning of the body.
This time we introduce a green apple juice, cucumber and ginger, which are three very beneficial ingredients to the body and supportive to lose kilos more easily. While it is not a miracle drink, you'll be amazed how you can help lower kilos quickly.

Nov 5, 2015

Best Balanced diet Plan

The amount of calories a person needs a balanced diet for energy and normal function of the body varies. It is based on age, gender and activity level. The more active you are through physical activity, the more calories your body needs to function. As a rule, adult women require between 1,800 and 2,200 calories per day, adult men need 2200-2800 calories per day. If you are trying to lose weight in a healthy way it is to reduce total calorie intake by 500 calories per day for a weight loss of one pound per week. However, it is important not to consume less than 1200 calories per day in order to provide the body with the nutrients it needs.

9 Common Myths about skin

Since the need for antibacterial soaps to the beliefs of some miraculous creams, through the losses of washing your hair every day, there is a large number of false beliefs associated with skin care. Therefore, we invite you to discover what the most common myths are, and you learn to implement the best for your skin. You join?

White cream on face

Learn How to calculate daily calorie intake formula

Number of meals, calories, amounts grams ... in the fitness everything is calculated and when it begins to make a diet, either weight loss, maintenance or increase muscle mass, it is very important to know the quantities and number of meals we have to perform.
Therefore, it is important to know your daily caloric expenditure according to our weight, height and activity. Since each person is different and we have a completely different set of needs. Not everyone has to run you the same kind of diet or quantities of food in them, so it is not recommended that you continue diets written by others.

Nov 4, 2015

Eating Bananas while Dieting

Many dieters believe they should avoid sweet banana cream because it may be too high in calories. Not so, 108 calories for a small banana (. About 1 oz), it will stick nutrition. Loaded with potassium, vitamin B, C and dietary fiber is an important addition to any diet.

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