A blog about Skin care tips, skin problems, Natural skin care, health care tips, Fitness tips and Natural Remedies.

Dec 5, 2015

Skin Itching: Emergence, Diseases, Causes and Remedies

What causes your skin to itch?

The medical term pruritus denotes a morbid sensation of the skin, which can affect any part of the body and causes that to scratch. If the itching is a concomitant of rash, it is usually caused by a disease, eg. jaundice, smallpox, chickenpox, allergies or disorders of blood circulation. In other cases, it may happen that you often scratch when an insect sting or bite by parasites irritates the skin and irritated when hormonal changes lead to deficiency symptoms or if a fungal infection is strongly present

Dec 4, 2015

Energy Drinks: Dangers, Stimulant and Effects

The goal of energy drinks often masks the effects of fatigue or exhaustion, and providing people who consume an "extra" energy. The marketing campaign that have undergone these drinks by multinationals, have become fashionable drinks, being consumed mainly in night scenes or to alleviate the effects of fatigue and sleeplessness.

Health problems related to the consumption of energy drinks (using the energy term is misleading) are increasing. There are many cases where there have been serious health complications or even death, although it is not shown to have been the sole responsibility of these products, tests itself make it clear that the victims consumed not recommended amounts of these drinks or they were mixed with other substances that alter the body.

US reports say the consumption of energy drinks is directly related to increased visits to emergency in the country.

Picture of Different Energy Drinks

Dec 3, 2015

Toothache Remedies, Causes and Prevention

The most common causes of toothache:

Causes of toothache in the masticatory system:
Caries not only the tooth but up to the dental root inflammation and jawbone participation
Inflammatory diseases such as gingivitis and periodontal inflammation (gingivitis, periodontitis / "periodontitis")
Hypersensitivity of teeth
Injuries to teeth and jaw, eg as a result of a fall
Eruption of primary teeth and the permanent teeth
Gnashing of teeth
Not the tooth itself, but loose crowns, bridges, dentures and fillings

In some cases, interference outside the masticatory apparatus can cause to be perceived pain on the tooth. That comes in, particularly  migraine or irritation of the TMJ before. Such continuing guided pain usually go back to the neighborhood of pain-conducting nerve fibers of the teeth with those of other facial or body regions. Toothache night arise about by excessive pressure on the tooth, about the gnashing of teeth.
Possible causes of toothache outside the masticatory apparatus:
• antritis (maxillary sinusitis)
• otitis media (otitis media)
• Headaches and migraines
• nerve pain (neuralgia) in the facial area such as trigeminal neuralgia
• In rare cases, a heart attack.

Dec 1, 2015

20 Natural Home Remedies for Sore Throat

Sore throat among the unpleasant side effects of a common cold - often announce an incipient cold at. The pain, which occur especially when swallowing, ranging from slight scratching to very unpleasant symptoms. Sore throat due to a throat infection with swollen mucous membranes plans normally entail, difficulty swallowing and a dry feeling in the throat. With natural home remedies and careful preparations of herbal medicine, such as herbal teas, gargles and neck wrap, the annoying symptoms can, however, alleviate easily. Medical advice should still be sought if there is no improvement despite self-treatment complaints after three to five days or a high fever occurs.

Skin Tags : Causes, Removal and Facts

What are Skin Tags ?

Sometimes small piece of soft skin can depend on the body and include the stalk or stem. These hanging skins are under different names such Acrochordon, Fibroepithelial polyps, skin tag, fibroma pendulum, fibroma molluscum, papilloma Colli, cutaneous papilloma, cutaneous day, skin tag of Templeton and skin tag known. The skin tag occurs on the skin surface of the body and especially in those parts of the body where the skin surface such as eyelids, neck, shoulders, upper chest, breasts and hips rubbing against each other, will appear. Skin tags can be classified as the non-cancerous benign tumors that cause no symptoms. However, they can cause discomfort and medical complications if ever scratched or rubbed from jewelry and clothing. The chances of scratching or cutting the skin tags are during shaving also very high, while the large skin tags may burst due to increased pressure. The skin tags are very small, in the early stages and look like a pinhead size flat stomach. Most of the skin tags remain small and grow approximately to 1/4-inch in diameter equal to one-third to half the size of a fingernail Pinky. However, some skin tags can change the size of up to 2 inches in diameter equal to a cowardly in size reach or. The composition of the skin tags is just like skin, and they and included outer layers of the epidermis, fat and nerve cells and the core of the fibers the lines.

Skin tags on neck

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