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Nov 28, 2015

Useful Tips to Prevent Diabetes

To prevent diabetes is very important that we take a healthy diet with lots of fruit, lots of vegetables, little meat and lots of fish. Exercise will also be essential.
Diabetes is a disease that is affecting more and more people and is quite dangerous if the guidelines that doctors offer us the most are not followed strictly, but there are ways in which we can try to prevent diabetes. According to WHO, in the world there are about 346 million diabetics , so know the guidelines to prevent diabetes, is essential to prevent this disease. Anyone who thinks they can be prone to develop this disease, should take into account the indications offered medical specialists to try not to get it.

Nov 26, 2015

About Stress Response | Stress Management Activities

Too much stress can lead to many diseases, from depression to sleep problems or heart disease, so it is very important to manage it.
In principle, when our body reacts to stress situation, its purpose is to protect us . But when it is constantly on alert due to stress, our health may pay a high price.

Foods that can help you lose weight without losing energy

When it comes to diet and lose those extra kilos that spare us, our first thought is to eliminate carbohydrates and any fat . However, nutritionists tell us to do this would be a big mistake. Want to know why?

The carbohydrates are a vital source of energy for our bodies and our brains , as well as unsaturated fats or also known as "good fats" very necessary for the health of our cells and the  heart .

That is, when put on a diet is always important to know what type of food included in our dishes, but is also important not to dismiss these sources of energy we all need in the day to take care of our health and especially to find good while losing weight.

Nov 25, 2015

Combat Indigestion : Drink Pineapple and Papaya Juice

Why should you drink Pineapple and Papaya Juice?

Because pineapple and papaya have active components that can help you improve the digestion of food and prevent the onset of discomfort

Indigestion is one of the most common stomach problems among the world's population, which occurs when any difficulty or alteration to the secretion of digestive juices .

The nagging feeling of heaviness and stomach pain that is caused by this health disorder can prevent a person from doing its normal activities and, if not controlled, can lead to a chronic problem.

In most cases, indigestion is caused by a bad combination of food, eating too fast or too much; however, there are those who suffer as a sign of a disease, food intolerance or difficulties in your digestive system.

At present treatment for indigestion it is varied and depends largely on the source that triggers the symptoms.

The good news is that many of them can be treated naturally, using the properties of some foods and without subjecting the body to chemical drug treatments.

Today we will share the recipe for a natural juice of pineapple and papaya , for its concentration of nutrients, act as a stomach soothing to combat this disorder.

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