A blog about Skin care tips, skin problems, Natural skin care, health care tips, Fitness tips and Natural Remedies.

Dec 1, 2015

Skin Tags : Causes, Removal and Facts

What are Skin Tags ?

Sometimes small piece of soft skin can depend on the body and include the stalk or stem. These hanging skins are under different names such Acrochordon, Fibroepithelial polyps, skin tag, fibroma pendulum, fibroma molluscum, papilloma Colli, cutaneous papilloma, cutaneous day, skin tag of Templeton and skin tag known. The skin tag occurs on the skin surface of the body and especially in those parts of the body where the skin surface such as eyelids, neck, shoulders, upper chest, breasts and hips rubbing against each other, will appear. Skin tags can be classified as the non-cancerous benign tumors that cause no symptoms. However, they can cause discomfort and medical complications if ever scratched or rubbed from jewelry and clothing. The chances of scratching or cutting the skin tags are during shaving also very high, while the large skin tags may burst due to increased pressure. The skin tags are very small, in the early stages and look like a pinhead size flat stomach. Most of the skin tags remain small and grow approximately to 1/4-inch in diameter equal to one-third to half the size of a fingernail Pinky. However, some skin tags can change the size of up to 2 inches in diameter equal to a cowardly in size reach or. The composition of the skin tags is just like skin, and they and included outer layers of the epidermis, fat and nerve cells and the core of the fibers the lines.

Skin tags on neck

Nov 30, 2015

Natural Homemade Skin Care Recipes

The skin is the mediator between our bodies and the world. With it we feel the warmth of the sun or a caress, the wind in our hands or texture of the clothes you saw us.
It is to fulfill this intermediary role that we must care for our skin and protect. In this note we offer easy, natural Recipe and inexpensive ways to do it.

Five Basic Daily Skin Care Tips

To maintain healthy skin, it is important to keep it clean and moisturized. To do this many products are circulating in the market but these tend to be expensive and can be inconvenient for our health and the planet, due to the large amount of harmful chemicals and preservatives they contain.

Preparing for our own cleansing and moisturizing kit is a good alternative to alleviate costs, choose aromas and avoid chemicals that are aggressive to our skin and the environment.

Nov 29, 2015

Remedies for Bad Breath or Halitosis

To avoid Stinky breath it is very important to drink lot of water to prevent the proliferation of bacteria that causes it. Try to avoid red meat and make mouthwashes.
Many people throughout their life has been through bad breath or halitosis once, usually originates in the morning, when our mouth has accumulated bacteria and is solved with a good brushing of teeth and tongue, but sometimes the problem is more serious.

5 Tips to Prevent Bad Breath

Natural Home Remedies for Foot Odor

Foot odor is caused by the moisture that originates from them, generally sweat, which attracts bacteria and fungi, which are given off that odor. A part of an embarrassing smell sometimes it leads to foot infections.Usually people with smelly feet problems have excess or overactive sweat glands.

The smell of feet affects one in three adults and one in four children is not something shameful, it is very common, but often we cannot treat us a hard time.

Feet should be washed daily with soap and water and must wear tights or socks clean and dry. Some synthetic materials used in shoes, when mixed with sweat and bacteria, can also cause foot odor.

Eliminate or reduce foot odor will help us to raise our self-esteem, it seems silly, but many people do not solved by shame, not to ask. Luckily here we'll provide some simple remedies for foot odor. One to twice a week and the other is a tip for your daily life.

Nov 28, 2015

Homemade Natural Eye Mask

The skin around the eyes is the most fragile and sensitive of the entire face. It is the finest in the face, and as found in an area of great expressiveness muscles to be in constant motion, is more prone to damage such as wrinkles, fine lines and bags.
Bags appear in the eyes correspond to fluid retention and dark circles are caused circulatory deficiency in that area.
To avoid these small problems around our eyes is convenient to remove make up well with gentle products every night. Also a good diet, regular exercise, avoid prolonged sun exposure, smoking, aggressive makeup and environmental pollution, affect our skin and especially to the contour of your eyes.

Remember also that if you do not wear makeup should keep a daily cleaning eyelashes, eyelids and around the eyes.

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