A blog about Skin care tips, skin problems, Natural skin care, health care tips, Fitness tips and Natural Remedies.

Apr 16, 2016

Difference between Autism and Asperger Syndrome

We all have quite heard about Asperger syndrome. And it seems they are increasing cases of this condition worldwide. This syndrome is considered a form of autism, even calling them "high-performance autistic" but is not the same, and it is important to differentiate from each other.

Probably, although it is still little known, we may have heard of this syndrome in our children 's school or elsewhere, but can we differentiate? So from FHSCARE, we guide you about how to distinguish between Autism and Asperger syndrome by some specific signs.

Photo By: hepingting

Apr 15, 2016

How to Cure Eczema with Natural Remedies

The eczema is a disease in which the skin becomes dry and irritated, leading to reddening and swell. Its treatment is vital to avoid future complications. A good way is to stay home and follow some natural remedies that avoid the high costs and side effects brought by the conventional medical methods.

Photo By: Carolyn

Apr 14, 2016

6 Natural Remedies for Inflamed Liver

The inflamed liver or hepatomegaly is a condition that hardly reveal any symptoms during the first stage of inflammation, making it difficult the task of identifying and initiating treatment to combat it. It occurs when the liver is inflamed, acquiring a larger than normal, due to causes that can range from an excessive alcohol consumption viral infections character as any of the types of hepatitis. If you have already identified the fault of your liver, you should visit your doctor to check the origin of it and start treatment. If the cause is not a more serious illness, you can complement medical treatment with natural remedies. Read on and discover home remedies for an inflamed liver.

Apr 6, 2016

Homemade Remedies to Whiten your Teeth

The teeth lose their white color over time by the action of snuff, for beverages such as wine, coffee or tea, or by the action of certain foods that tend to stain or yellowing teeth. Therefore, it is essential to maintain good dental health, to keep them white and shiny, like brushing teeth after meals and before going to bed. Floss every day and don't take too many drinks such as coffee, wine, tea or other foods that can stain teeth.

Mar 30, 2016

Foods that raise oestrogen levels in men and women

Oestrogen or Estrogen is a natural hormone found in both men and women. Keeping estrogen at healthy levels is important for both sexes, but women need more estrogen for normal body functions, such as conceiving children. During menopause, estrogen levels lowers in women significantly. The methods of how to increase estrogen levels are the same for men and women, although men have a lower capacity to acquire the hormone. If you want to increase your estrogen levels, read these helpful facts.

Visit your doctor to determine your estrogen level. Before you embark on an estrogen treatment program, consult your physician about the effects of estrogen in your body. While estrogen insufficiency may result in some problems, too much estrogen (called estrogen dominance) has been associated with menstrual disorders, ovarian, and breast cancer. If you have high levels of estrogen you can eat estrogen blocking food that can reduce your estrogen levels.

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