A blog about Skin care tips, skin problems, Natural skin care, health care tips, Fitness tips and Natural Remedies.

Dec 30, 2015

Dec 28, 2015

Homemade healthiest Energy drinks

Energy drinks are fashionable.  It is non-alcoholic beverages, containing various stimulants like caffeine or taurine and sugar to combat the fatigue.  But are these drinks good for health? In this article you will find recipes to make your own healthiest energy drinks at home.

Banana and Milk shake in glass

Dec 25, 2015

Natural Cure and Reasons for constipation

Reasons for constipation:

The reasons of constipation are usually too low-fiber diet, inadequate fluid intake, lack of exercise, stress, hormonal changes, medication or even psychological problems. Most people suffer but also a blockage when they are in an unfamiliar environment. For a well-functioning digestive the body needs a lot of vitamins, fiber, carbohydrates, minerals, trace elements, water and lactic acid bacteria. If you suffer from a blockage, then you now know that it can have many causes. Hard stool is not uncommon. With age, constipation occurs even more frequently. Especially older people (aged over 60 years) often suffer from constipation. The digestive problems occur in women about twice as often as in men. If the constipation does not disappear even after our tips below, you should see a doctor.

Hand on belly due to constipation pain

Dec 22, 2015

My ear feels clogged..How to clean a clogged Ear?

What Causes clogged Ears?
Earwax is a useful ear protection against bacteria and other environmental influences. However, an overproduction causes ears clogged or cerumen plugs. Earaches, headaches, tinnitus, noise or beeping in the ear are common problems that can occur in adults and children as a result of excessive earwax production.
By cleaning ears with cotton swabs, for example, the lard is pressed further into the ear canal causing a blockage of the ear can occur with a solidifying cerumen plugs.

Moreover, the risk for the development of fixed earwax by using ear plugs or hearing aids will be increased.
Too much hard earwax or grafting can produce the following symptoms:
Itching in the ear canal

  • Ear Pressure
  • dizziness
  • Noise, e.g. noise or beeping in the ear
  • Discharge from the ear canal
  • Decreased hearing, deafness
  • Earache
  • Headache
  • Tinnitus

Dec 20, 2015

Acne Causes | 22 Natural Home Remedies

What is the cause of Acne?

It is primarily genetic; you get acne on the skin that is more sensitive to hormonal changes and produces more fatty acids that serve certain bacteria as food. And this acne bacteria causing pimples and inflammation. Some women toil for decades with blemished skin, some have mid-30s the first pimples - and then there are always more. Meanwhile, one-third of adult women are affected, men usually remain spared. The late acne is clearly distinguished from the Common Acne: The skin is dry, has little blackheads, but more pimples and inflammation, which may be so strong that they do even hurt. Instead of the T-zone (nose, forehead and chin) are now more likely to cheeks and neck affected, rarely back and decollete. The good news: Dermatologists take the problem now seriously and have developed treatment methods to liberate also adult women of pimples and many beauticians who specialize in acne. Not an easy task, because there are not a means, a method of treatment that helps all equally well. Some might just need a new body wash and others should stop smoking and eat healthier, in severe cases, you need medication. And sometimes it takes until you find the right combination, but one thing is certain: In the end, the skin is much nicer.

Acne on women face

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